Did Robinson get another concussion?


Well-Known Member
If so, that would be his second one and should knock him out for the season. If he were to get a third one, that could be career threatening. Need to look out for his long-term health.
I would have to think he did suffer another concussion and a severe one at that. He will be lucky to play again.
Here is what Kirk said in the post game:

He got dinged. If that's the case, he'll be out next week. If there's any good news, it (the bowl game) will be weeks away. So hopefully we'll have him back for the last game. My guess is he wouldn't be playing next week, but that's preliminary.

One of the things I wrote after the Michigan State game when I questioned why Robinson was in the game up 37-6 in the fourth quarter, was that once you get one concussion, you are 400% more likely to get a second concussion...and the effects of the next concussion are more severe and longer lasting.

If he has another one, and watching him walk off the field AFTER the game was over, with someone holding his arm all the way to the locker room ant slow, I suspect he does, it's a huge concern.
Here is what Kirk said in the post game:

One of the things I wrote after the Michigan State game when I questioned why Robinson was in the game up 37-6 in the fourth quarter, was that once you get one concussion, you are 400% more likely to get a second concussion...and the effects of the next concussion are more severe and longer lasting.

If he has another one, and watching him walk off the field AFTER the game was over, with someone holding his arm all the way to the locker room ant slow, I suspect he does, it's a huge concern.

This is sad. I think they should hold him out of action until next spring. But if he has lasting effects (as did Alex Kanellis), then it would be best for him to bow out of the game.
He's a good kid. Honestly, he needs to sit down with the coach and have a serious chat. I would hate to see a repeat of what Kanellis went through.
That was awful to watch. Good luck to the kid.

I for one, hope he doesn't play again this season, bowl game included. He hasn't looked the same since the MSU game and that is not being insulting to his level of play. He just looks like a different player.

Hang it up this year and see the doctor. Its not worth it.
Doesnt look good. We really bad luck with our running backs. Why is that? It's very odd.
Doesnt look good. We really bad luck with our running backs. Why is that? It's very odd.

In robinsons case his injury is a direct result of an awful coaching decision.

Jewel hamptons is just football, it happens.

Wegher isnt an injury as much as it is him being a very dumb young man.

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