Did Morris get benched?

No trolling here. I am actually the one getting mad. I mean seriously, comparing college football to combat? That is when things start to go overboard. Have a little damned perspective here people. Accusing the players of faking injuries so they don't have to play? Unless you have proof, STFU.

It's one thing to call out the coaching, but another thing to call out the player's heart and integrity. They may not be winning, but there is not a single kid who walked on that field today who made me ashamed to be a Hawkeye.

Ho hum..not trolling? No one accused them of faking injuries. Settle down... Poor kids... Maybe they should all get participation trophies?
No trolling here. I am actually the one getting mad. I mean seriously, comparing college football to combat? That is when things start to go overboard. Have a little damned perspective here people. Accusing the players of faking injuries so they don't have to play? Unless you have proof, STFU.

It's one thing to call out the coaching, but another thing to call out the player's heart and integrity. They may not be winning, but there is not a single kid who walked on that field today who made me ashamed to be a Hawkeye.

Said I was gone but gotta say + about 10
I would never call out his heart, drive, etc.

However talent wise, reading keys, and filling holes he is well below average. He also let his guy make 2 big first down plays on Purdue's opening TD drive.
That's BS Skorp. "Handed everything"?

You can only ask them to play as hard as they can, and I didn't see anyone quit. They are failing to win, but they are not failing to try. Your comment is way out of bounds.

These schollie kids are fed three good meals a day. They are housed in very comfortable surroundings. They have tutors available 24/7 to help them with their stuides. Their days are structured for them. Their clothes are warshed for them. They have state-of-the-art facilities in which they train and work on fitness and conditioning, under the watchful eye of professionals. The are treated liek rock stars in Iowa City and across the state. And it's all free because they are (supposedly) good at playing a game.
Yep, they're given pretty much everything.
Were your undergrad years similar to this? No?

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