Did anyone else like the flow of the game last night, w/o Tucker?


Well-Known Member
And at times they actually played really, well, pretty good defense, another thing that has been seriously lacking. And I want to say kudos to Cole for his lock-down D, I was very impressed!

I gotta say, I have been saying that Tucker really should be coming off the bench and not starting, this because of his sometimes selfish play and a lack of defense.
I hate to say it, but I think we seemed to look alot better on offense last night without Tucker in there. We were getting the ball inside rather than a 3-ball going up as soon as it hits Tucker's hands.. But maybe without Tucker in the lineup there was also more emphasis from the coaching staff on getting the ball inside?

We still shot our share of 3's last night, but we were more opportunistic, shooting the 3 when it was there, instead of being in love with it.
By far the best game they have played this year. And say what you want about who we were playing but they were picked to finish second in their conference.

Depth is what is going to kill us this year in the Big Ten however.
Anyone else feel that Gatens may finally stepping up? I don't always follow basketball, but it seems like as of late he has been playing pretty good. Just a question.
Anyone else feel that Gatens may finally stepping up? I don't always follow basketball, but it seems like as of late he has been playing pretty good. Just a question.

Yes - Gatens is on a roll. After a rough start, he's looking like the player I expected to see this year.
Anyone else feel that Gatens may finally stepping up? I don't always follow basketball, but it seems like as of late he has been playing pretty good. Just a question.
Gatens has put this team on his back. It's awesome to watch.

I think a little of the flow had to do with the tempo SCSU plays at. Iowa was also very aggressive.

That said, Iowa did not settle for many threes in this one. Most of the threes (sans a couple) were entirely within the offense. Payne took one out top that was unnecessary, but other than that, pretty good.

Last nights game really did flow nicely, we'll see much more when Purdue comes to town in a week.
I was impressed with the way Iowa played last night. It will definately be interesting to see how they do against Purdue.

CAN THE FANS WHO GO TO THE GAMES, AT LEAST STAND UP DURING THE PLAYING OF THE FIGHT SONG????? You may not be a supporter of the team, but when you are at the game, at least support the school and stand up during the playing of the fight song. Pathetic.
While we looked better, I don't think it was all because AT wasn't there. His shooting will be missed in many games this year. If anything, it put our backs further against the wall (if that's possible :)), so it might make us play with more intensity.
I think for the remainder of the year, losing AT hurts the team in a few ways. First and foremost depth, and having a backup PG. Plus if they can get the ball inside without AT, it stands to reason that he would open the inside up more with his range out on the wing. They did look good without him though, and sometimes chemistry is huge in BB, and if they just flow better without them, then maybe they are better without him.
Stupid thread. Losing your #2 scorer is never a good thing.

We played the little sisters of the poor last night and it showed. Their team hung with us for most of the 1st half and we finally pulled away but never put the game away. A decent Iowa team should have won by 25 and should have coasted to the win.

Losing AT isn't a good thing.
While the team Iowa played was weak (Iowa is also very weak), I agree the team played much better in moving the ball and in shot selection. Defensively, other than Bawinkle and Little Lick, they also played much better.
a lack of defense.

Tuck gets a bad rap on his D. He's not the quickest defender, but he does a more than adequate job, esp coming in with the defensive skill set he had.

Tuck guard the other team's best guard almost all season.

He defended Josh Young very well, limited Staiger too. Look back at the other games too, he limited most of the other team's best guards for most of the games. Also, the fact that Lickliter has him manned up on the opponents' G must mean something.

And, yes, he was schooled by Ahlegebe, I realize that.

I don't think Tucker will ever be an all-conf defender, but he does alright. And he significantly improved over last year.
Many forget that Iowa hung pretty tough with Texas on a neutral floor for the entire first half before conditioning became a factor so the real question is going to be whether or not they can sustain temp/flow over the span of 40min. Perhaps Lick will mix in a bit more zone on the defensive side in hopes of some guys not having to extend all of their energy at both ends of the floor with the exception of Matt "Iron Man" Gatens of course.
"It's called, a JUMP...to conclusions mat...you see there are a bunch of different 'conclusions' that you can 'jump' to"...Tucker would be handy to have when every team in the big ten presses the crap out of Iowa for 40 minutes because they have no individual press breakers on their team and an overall lack of team athleticism...if any coach in the B10 does not recognize this and does not press this team they should be fired...
"It's called, a JUMP...to conclusions mat...you see there are a bunch of different 'conclusions' that you can 'jump' to"...Tucker would be handy to have when every team in the big ten presses the crap out of Iowa for 40 minutes because they have no individual press breakers on their team and an overall lack of team athleticism...if any coach in the B10 does not recognize this and does not press this team they should be fired...

Cully Payne better be getting a lot of rest!! He is going to be on tired SOB after this Big 10 season. He is the ONLY player really capable of handling pressure and he is not that great of a ball handler when being pressured. I think it would be stupid to not just press the hell out of Iowa. Devan Bawinkle, Jon Lickliter will not even be able to handle the ball when extrem pressure is being put on. Gatens will be so/so but he will be tired as hell if he has to help with breaking press too. I am not sure Eric May is a guy you want handling the ball much either.

Poor Cully Payne is going to have his work cut out for him.
Cully Payne better be getting a lot of rest!! He is going to be on tired SOB after this Big 10 season. He is the ONLY player really capable of handling pressure and he is not that great of a ball handler when being pressured. I think it would be stupid to not just press the hell out of Iowa. Devan Bawinkle, Jon Lickliter will not even be able to handle the ball when extrem pressure is being put on. Gatens will be so/so but he will be tired as hell if he has to help with breaking press too. I am not sure Eric May is a guy you want handling the ball much either.

Poor Cully Payne is going to have his work cut out for him.

I agree, Payne will get toughened up FAST this year. Should make him a better player facing that kind of competition game in and game out.

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