Dickie V on the call Tuesday night

Play well and give DUKE BOY some reason to hope on our bandwagon. I would look at it as a great opportunity to influence a talking head about our program.
I am glad it isn't against MSU.

Vitale is getting so terrible; he is still living in the 90's on some of his perspectives.
I remember when dickie first hit the scene. I thought he was pretty interesting and fun to listen to. But now some 20+ years later he's still doing the same schtick and it's grown tiresome.
I don't care for him all that much either but his bullsh** flies extremely far in college hoops circles and he could do us some good overhyping our players for a little while. He has also mentioned us numerous times in his blog during the year.
I can't hardly stand him either, but I guess it's good publicity for us.

In the offseason he was pretty high on us:

true. i really don't think he knows what he's talking about most of the time.

He used to be very good and now he is in rewind-play-rewind-play mode. I don't mind reading things he writes because he still has a lot of good knowledge, but it doesn't translate to the air anymore. It's like he quit trying because he is going to get a fat paycheck no matter what.

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