Devries Kid hits the portal

lol, I think that's just a rumor, but big if true
It would be a HUGE indicator if true. That's a dead give away if true. For now it could just be the rumor mill doing what rumor mills do.

From what I know from the articles I have read it sounds like their home is Iowa. That's huge to many people as family and friends is the most important thing to a lot of people. Would a coach give up family, friends, and home a few more dollars in their pocket. Yes, those people do exist but hopefully some people value more that a few dollars more.......... even a few hundred thousand dollars more.

Remember the quote from Lickliter's own young son when they were all discussing it as a family. His son was quoted as saying....... "but Dad it's Iowa!" Probably now he says "Eff Iowa!!!" I am sure it never really was home for Lick's family.
He's not officially in according to ON3. But neither is a kid from WVU that I'd seen reported to have been getting in too. Sometimes the kids publicly say they are and just haven't done it yet. Whatever it is they have em do to do it.