Deshaun Foster at media days


Well-Known Member
UCLA is going to be a train wreck if coach Foster’s preparation & speaking capabilities are any indication of how prepared his team will be. Traveling to Pasadena to celebrate our 21st anniversary on 11/8 is looking more appealing w/ every passing day. The Bruins might be 1-7 when the hawks travel out west which means the tickets will be cheap. Most of us are aware of Iowa’s inability to bring their A game when going west however I’m not sure they’ll need anything more than their C game to get past the Bruins.
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I hope you're right, but based on how we've performed recently on the offensive side of the ball that "C" game would have to a performance in which we put up points on the board. The problem I saw last is we have struggled finding a C game on the offensive side of the ball and tried to get by with a F/D- offense and an A level defense that can't win games week in and week out by themselves
Yeah that was pretty darn awkward. He prepped for that about as much as I used to for tests in 7th grade. Which was not at all. I'm not even sure what to think of all that. Young first time coach has his hands full. It'll be interesting to see how he does. Kinda looks like a train wreck is about to happen though
My first reaction was, Is this really much worse than Kirk's attempt at humor in some of his pressers?