Derby #2?

I've been hearing this for a couple weeks now. The notion seems to be picking up more and more steam every time I get on HN.

Personally, although I know it will likely never happen, I'd love to see Ferentz use Derby like Florida used Tebow back when he was a frosh. Bring Derby in for a couple series a game. Run option, some QB keepers, etc. It would completely throw off the opposing team's d.

Again I realize I'm dreaming here.
Good for him. He could definitely bring and interesting dynamic to the offense and has obviously come a long way in the year he's been in the program.
I've been hearing this for a couple weeks now. The notion seems to be picking up more and more steam every time I get on HN.

Personally, although I know it will likely never happen, I'd love to see Ferentz use Derby like Florida used Tebow back when he was a frosh. Bring Derby in for a couple series a game. Run option, some QB keepers, etc. It would completely throw off the opposing team's d.

Again I realize I'm dreaming here.

It could happen they did that with Banks in 01.
I would definitely like to see him get some game reps. Hopefully he'll be able to in the pre Big 10 season.
I agree with you, Urbandale, contrasting styles at QB would throw teams off a bit. That would be nice to see, but is it just a pipe dream? Time will tell I guess.
Since Derby was so adament about playing QB, I think he's working really hard and proving that he can be a great quarterback. I'd be a little sad if he beat out Vandenberg. Being from Keokuk, just 40 mins down the road from where I grew up, playing on one of the biggest stages in college football and nearly clinching a Big Ten title, he seems a bit of a Cinderella story to me.
Since Derby was so adament about playing QB, I think he's working really hard and proving that he can be a great quarterback. I'd be a little sad if he beat out Vandenberg. Being from Keokuk, just 40 mins down the road from where I grew up, playing on one of the biggest stages in college football and nearly clinching a Big Ten title, he seems a bit of a Cinderella story to me.

No one is going to beat out Vandenberg. He's going to be a great one.
I've been hearing this for a couple weeks now. The notion seems to be picking up more and more steam every time I get on HN.

Personally, although I know it will likely never happen, I'd love to see Ferentz use Derby like Florida used Tebow back when he was a frosh. Bring Derby in for a couple series a game. Run option, some QB keepers, etc. It would completely throw off the opposing team's d.

Again I realize I'm dreaming here.

I'd love to see this as well. If he's such an amazing athlete, why keep him off the field? Plus, if they start keying on the run when he's in, it opens up the pass even more.
I've been hearing this for a couple weeks now. The notion seems to be picking up more and more steam every time I get on HN.

Personally, although I know it will likely never happen, I'd love to see Ferentz use Derby like Florida used Tebow back when he was a frosh. Bring Derby in for a couple series a game. Run option, some QB keepers, etc. It would completely throw off the opposing team's d.

Again I realize I'm dreaming here.

It could throw off the D, but if that's all he's doing the defense will assume "run" if those are the only play calls he gets. It's like when the Eagles put in Vick during a couple downs at the beginning of the season last year. The D knew it was going to be a QB rush because why else would he be replacing Kolb on a seemingly random down? The Broncos did that with Tebow too during the season. Neither was very effective. (Granted that's the NFL and things like that work a whole lot less than in college)

If you're going to do it he has to throw the ball too, and not just run options and keepers because otherwise if he's in the game it's a given that it will be a run play . If they use him to run normal plays and something goes wrong, he'll still be able to use that athleticism to run so the defense gets burned. Let's just hope they use him intelligently instead of in a way that the defense is able to predict the play call.
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It could throw off the D, but if that's all he's doing the defense will assume "run" if those are the only play calls he gets. It's like when the Eagles put in Vick during a couple downs at the beginning of the season last year. The D knew it was going to be a QB rush because why else would he be replacing Kolb on a seemingly random down? The Broncos did that with Tebow too during the season. Neither was very effective. (Granted that's the NFL and things like that work a whole lot less than in college)

If you're going to do it he has to throw the ball too, and not just run options and keepers because otherwise if he's in the game it's a given that it will be a run play . If they use him to run normal plays and something goes wrong, he'll still be able to use that athleticism to run so the defense gets burned. Let's just hope they use him intelligently instead of in a way that the defense is able to predict the play call.

While an interesting theory, that's not how it really seems to work in games.

Virtually every team, at every level, except Iowa, runs some sort of "Wildcat" package, which is a rushing play 99.9999999% of the time. According to your theory, D's should just be able to key on the run and neutralize these packages, but they seem to be having overwhelming success at virtually every level.

Just sayin....
I know this isn't something that we like to bring up, but Derby could be used very similarly to the way NW used Persa against Iowa when Kafka wasn't 100% in '09. Persa wasn't a particularly refined QB at that point, but his duel threat skills killed the Hawks and won the game for NW. Persa was 5/9 for 37 yards and had 17 rushes for 67 yards that game. Divide those numbers in half and you would have about what I would expect out of Derby if he played one series per half.
While an interesting theory, that's not how it really seems to work in games.

Virtually every team, at every level, except Iowa, runs some sort of "Wildcat" package, which is a rushing play 99.9999999% of the time. According to your theory, D's should just be able to key on the run and neutralize these packages, but they seem to be having overwhelming success at virtually every level.

Just sayin....

I suppose that's true for the most part, I guess the point was give him variety so it DOESN'T become predictable (varying between run/pass). Our O-line is good enough that we could probably facilitate a wildcat formation even if it were predictable haha
I suppose that's true for the most part, I guess the point was give him variety so it DOESN'T become predictable (varying between run/pass). Our O-line is good enough that we could probably facilitate a wildcat formation even if it were predictable haha

The glory of the 'wildcat' is that you have one more blocker for running plays. Doesn't really matter if you're predictable.
The big thing that keeps the Wildcat successful at this point is because it usually isn't just a straight rush with the "QB". It's usually a read-option, with two running backs instead of a QB and a RB. The defense can key on the run all they want, but they don't know which player to key on.
Either way, sounds like exactly the kind of package that this thread is about, no?

A way to get Derby on the field, and he doesn't necessarily even have to throw the ball.

Sounds like a win/win.
Personally, although I know it will likely never happen, I'd love to see Ferentz use Derby like Florida used Tebow back when he was a frosh. Bring Derby in for a couple series a game. Run option, some QB keepers, etc. It would completely throw off the opposing team's d.

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit, comparing someone on Iowa to that Tebow.

Okay, okay, if Derby has similar athleticism that's fine, so long as he has a different personality, beliefs, political views, "charity" work, then I'm okay with it.
I just threw up in my mouth a little bit, comparing someone on Iowa to that Tebow.

Okay, okay, if Derby has similar athleticism that's fine, so long as he has a different personality, beliefs, political views, "charity" work, then I'm okay with it.

Yeah! I too just puked in my mouth reading this recent Tebow interview about his "charity" work.

Q: Explain about the Tim Tebow Foundation and the causes/charities that are most important to you?

A: It's not something I just attach my name to and ask somebody to go do it for the publicity. I care about administering to the kids. My No. 1 heart is with orphans. The foundation supports 600 orphans in different places around the world. That's what I want to do for a long time and make it bigger. I want to support kids that not a lot of people believe in. Give them an opportunity to do good in school, play sports and get scholarships. Timmy's Playroom at Shands Hospital (in Gainesville) was built through foundation funding. That's very exciting.

Helping kids stuck in a hospital for a long time, and have players come in from Florida or elsewhere to hang out with. It's a room to help them get away from everything they're going through and creates a better day for him. Sometimes, we try to find a family or group of kids and maybe bring them to Disney World.

We'll partner with different boys and girls clubs. Even though I can't go to Shands like I did when I was at Florida, I could leave a little piece of me with that playroom. I remember going there my junior year of college and thinking of how they could be given a brighter day. It's kind of like Make A Wish, just trying to put a smile on their face. I want to do that for the rest of my life. I have more love for doing that than winning games or scoring touchdowns. I want to use my connections with coaches, players, celebrities, whomever, and if I can take that friendship and use it to help someone else, I'm going to take advantage of that. I'm not going to apologize for that.

[ame=]‪Jump Pass‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Do you think KOK has a jump pass in his playbook?
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