Delaney lays down the hammer ...

Why don't they just relegate all non-BCS conferences and schools to FCS status? That's basically what they're implying anyway.
He is right but I don't like how he dodges the the discussion about a plus one game in another article by's Ivan Maisel. I would argue that the MWC has been on par with if not better than the Big East. I know this gets brought up a lot, but when are the other big 5 going to address the fact that the Big East doesn't throw a deserving BCS team in the show every year. And I don't believe the Big East brings much to the table in terms of fan interest either. The ratings for their televised games are not very high. Their teams are in good areas but in locations that are dominated either by another giant in the area (Cincinnati, South Florida, Pittsburgh) or by pro sports (Rutgers, UConn).
"Why don't they just relegate all non-BCS conferences and schools to FCS status? That's basically what they're implying anyway. "

They probobly should, but then that just might force the big boys to have to play more games against each other out of conference.
I like the fact that he basically openly asks the question is 12-0 the same playing San Jose State, Wyoming etc as 12-0 playing daOSU, Nebraska or Oklahoma? That is the central question and there is no good answer.
The goofy thing is that the Sangrin rankings actually say that Boise State played a more difficult schedule than Ohio State. I don't believe that to be true in my opinion. I don't like the idea of the little guys playing in a 1 vs 2 match up. But I don't have a problem playing in a BCS Bowl game if they are undefeated and played a tough non conference schedule and would have no problem with one of them making it in a playoff.
Nevermind, let me correct myself. Boise State ranked 70th and Ohio State ranked 68th schedule wise. Those rankings seem to hate the Big 10 schedule strength. I don't know if that's as a result of the conference itself or weak out of conference schedules.
Jesus, the guy is an idiot.

This will do nothing more than inflame the anti-BCS/pro-playoff sector, which BTW, is gaining momentum.

Imagine if this was conveyed to the mid-majors in college BB....there would be a riot.

Well, at least BB has it right....they have a playoff where teams at least get the chance to prove it on the court, not by some half-a$$ed selection by a cartel or bogus 3-poll system.

I'm going to email Wetzel on his take. His comments should be very interesting.
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Why don't they just relegate all non-BCS conferences and schools to FCS status? That's basically what they're implying anyway.

This will happen eventually. The AQ conferences tried to appease the non-AQ conferences by making it easier for them to take part when they added the extra game. I just don't think that anyone expected those teams to get to the point of actually being in the NC picture. This is probably more of a result in the changing on non-conference scheduling than anything. Now that teams like to schedule easy wins (see tOSU), no one wants to play these good non-AQ schools in the non-conference. As a result, they are mounting up undefeated seasons which leads to better recruiting and a further gap between them and the rest of their conference. Now that conferences are going to nine game conference schedules it will get even worse. There isn't anyone that knocks them down.

I don't know what the solution should be though. If teams that very well might be good enough to be national champs can't get games with anyone that's worth a damn, how do they prove it? Watching BSU and TCU this season, they may have been good enough to play with most anyone in the country this year, but until there is a playoff system they won't be able to prove it.

But, Delaney should be careful. If Wisconsin can't handle TCU then his comments might be used against him. It may not prove that they could play an entire season schedule, but it would show that these teams aren't that far behind anymore.
Jim Delaney is the poster child for everything that is wrong about college football.

College football would be a better place if he would just go away.
This will happen eventually. The AQ conferences tried to appease the non-AQ conferences by making it easier for them to take part when they added the extra game. I just don't think that anyone expected those teams to get to the point of actually being in the NC picture. This is probably more of a result in the changing on non-conference scheduling than anything. Now that teams like to schedule easy wins (see tOSU), no one wants to play these good non-AQ schools in the non-conference. As a result, they are mounting up undefeated seasons which leads to better recruiting and a further gap between them and the rest of their conference. Now that conferences are going to nine game conference schedules it will get even worse. There isn't anyone that knocks them down.

I don't know what the solution should be though. If teams that very well might be good enough to be national champs can't get games with anyone that's worth a damn, how do they prove it? Watching BSU and TCU this season, they may have been good enough to play with most anyone in the country this year, but until there is a playoff system they won't be able to prove it.

But, Delaney should be careful. If Wisconsin can't handle TCU then his comments might be used against him. It may not prove that they could play an entire season schedule, but it would show that these teams aren't that far behind anymore.

Looking to 'tweak' the BCS is like trying to perfect the buggy whip. It's 100% a waste of time, resources, actions and words.

It's outdated, and will soon go the way of New Coke, the Edsel, dinosaurs and Betamax. 2015....mark my words.
I'm inclined to agree with a lot of what Delaney has to say. Maybe the delivery is harsh and blunt, but he still brings up some valid points. Under the old system, those teams would never have a chance to play in the Rose Bowl.

How much more are they going to demand? If they want an automatic berth into the BCS, they should focus their efforts on joining an automatic berth conference instead of taking their fight to congress.

The BCS can go away just as quickly as it was formed. It's a contract between conferences. Contracts expire all the time. Then what?
I would like to see us go back to the bowl scenario and retake the Rose Bowl. Why people continue to confuse having 1 vs. 2 with finding a cure for cancer baffles me. The BCS involves too many compromises around the tradition that has always made college football so great. From a B10 perspective we would be in great shape if that happens. We already have better bowl tie-ins and more money than anyone else. We should walk away from the BCS and go back to doing what we want.
Delaney and Gee must have been in the same dumb-house together.

Gee's bluster blows holes in BCS - College Football -


"The BCS isn’t doing the Big Ten any favors. This may be a reason why Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel this month predicted on the “Dan Patrick Show” that there’d be a playoff within five years. Ohio State’s BCS road gets only tougher next year with the creation of the Big Ten title game."

"He’s a smart man speaking foolishly. Bizarre? Yes. Defending the indefensible tends to cause such behavior."
Delaney is a great man and he is absolutely correct in his assesment of this situation. I am very happy that he is unafraid to tell it like it is. I don't feel sorry at all for the BSU, TCU's of the world. This accomodation to these pretenders has gone on for too long and needs to be addressed forthrightly and firmly -- Jim Delaney is a the man for being the one to do it.
Yet the "pretenders" have beaten big schools time and again in BCS games. Utah has won twice, Boise State has won twice. That's just in the past 6 years. It's time that those teams were allowed to play for it all, at least through a playoff. Their 12-0 isn't as good as a 12-0 mark from an SEC West team this year, I agree. Which is EXACTLY why simply picking the top 2 teams is ridiculous. Boise/TCU could be better teams, but you can't look at their resume and come to that conclusion, simply because you don't learn enough about them over the course of the season. But they've done enough in OOC and BCS games to prove that they deserve the opportunity to prove themselves once and for all in a playoff.

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