Delaney - Firing Coaches

Numbers that show that Iowa makes more than any NFL team.

NFL numbers are in excess of $3 BILLION per yr just for TV

My guess is you are BOTH right. Whatever teams net out, they probably toss in the NFL pool at fiscal year-end. So, technically speaking, Iowa "makes more" than any NFL team.

Revenue-wise? Doubt it.
I would want to see a lot more detail about Delany and the termination of coaches' contracts before I would even consider voicing an opinion on this issue.

However, the language in the Big Ten documents clearly states that PSU could be in danger of being thrown out on their ears. I hope they are listening as they move forward in determination of their course of action.

For those who stated so adamantly on this and other boards that this is only a legal matter and that the PSU football program is or should be immune from penalty, you might want to reconsider your position.

And, like it or not, the NCAA has a clause about institutional control that could be applied to PSU's circumstances.

Anybody think Big Ten recruiting won't be affected by comments from other conferences about the scandal? And, or, do you think influence, at least,will be attempted by recruiters from other conferences?

In short, PSU better be severely punished for this sickening transgression. This was truly a football program totally out of control, one that placed its own well-being ahead of human decency.

SEC Coach: Hey kid, you don't want to go to Michigan, an old guy used to rape kids at Penn St!
I would be shocked. You think a school like Iowa or Minnesota wants to establish a precedent for removing schools from the conference? Those schools bring a lot less to the table than Penn St, don't think you want to open up the possibility of your school ending up on the chopping block some day.

There's already provisions for this, so I think it's already a possibility, but a simple rule of thumb: Don't do anything like what Penn State did and you shouldn't have to worry.
I say we give Delaney some real power...the power to walk around Kinnick with an open container.

Delaney wants some serious power here....and Sally Mason comments on the Penn State issue...Not looking good for PSU....I thought there was no chance they would be kicked out....but by what the "unnamed source" and Mason said...I don't know anymore....

Jim Delany Wants the Power to Fire Coaches - Players - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Jim Delaney needs to go away. He thinks he is a dictator. Just boot the guy. What has he done that is special? What wouldn't have came around sooner, rather than later anyhow. The BTN? Ha, wasn't his idea. Seriously? There is not ONE thought he has had that was not brought up before.... Besides, the schmuck brought in Nebraska!? What more needs to be said???
So Delaney has actually heard about this PSU scandal? Whew, cause the B1G office has been a little quiet and I was beginning to wonder.
Delaney wants some serious power here....and Sally Mason comments on the Penn State issue...Not looking good for PSU....I thought there was no chance they would be kicked out....but by what the "unnamed source" and Mason said...I don't know anymore....Jim Delany Wants
the Power to Fire Coaches - Players - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Jim Delaney needs to go away. He thinks he is a dictator. Just boot the guy. What has he done that is special? What wouldn't have came around sooner, rather than later anyhow. The BTN? Ha, wasn't his idea. Seriously? There is not ONE thought he has had that was not brought up before.... Besides, the schmuck brought in
Nebraska!? What more needs to be

A great dictator, I mean leader, is not determined by what he conjures up, but more so by how he gets others under him to perform and how he is able to implement those ideas brought before him/her.

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