Dear Matt Gatens


Well-Known Member
I know that you have been hurt and still probably arent 100%. I know that you have stuck it out with Iowa through some tough times. I know you always play hard. With that being said can you please make a couple of wide open 3's in the second half so we can score more than 50 points and beat UNI?

Thank you


All Iowa fans
Well he is 1-13 and the team is 1-0 ...and winning. The whole team is struggling from field. You never had a slump. You always on your game. One bad stretch and you come crying. Real mature.
I know that you have been hurt and still probably arent 100%. I know that you have stuck it out with Iowa through some tough times. I know you always play hard. With that being said can you please make a couple of wide open 3's in the second half so we can score more than 50 points and beat UNI?

Thank you


All Iowa fans

Make a wide open second half three = Check

Score more than 50 = Check

Beat UNI = Check

Anything else you need???

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