Dear, Cy Kouandjio

I had a dream last night where Cy and I were best friends and lived next door to one another. There was a dirt path that lead from my house to his back door. It was magical.
You idiots that bump these old threads need to have your nuts cut off. Can we get a ruling from The Committee?

You do realize that in most of these cases the bumper and The Committee are one and the same, don't you?

You'll see The Chosen One pivot on jobs before The Committee ever decides to dispose of Ma's jewels.
If you are, "comfortable with everything," why even read what I post? "Let's see what happens" in Lames in September, ok??! THAT will truly be what is getting old......

Again you are missquoting me, show me a post where I even suggested that.

We all get your point, it gets old to see you posting it in almost every thread on this forum.
The Hawkeye nation would love it if you came to Iowa to play football. If you choose to pass on the Hawks we will understand and wish you the best. I know you did not see a game in Kinnick this year, but trust us it is magical place on game day. We do feel that Iowa is a great fit for you, and you already have three friends here, plus a few million waiting to be your fans. I have no doubt that KF and staff can get you in the NFL as well.

Thank you,
Hawkeye Nation

p.s. It is like home here, and some say it's like heaven.

Please sign below Hawkeye nation if you agree.

Dear OP,

We can't afford CyKo
Again you are missquoting me, show me a post where I even suggested that.

We all get your point, it gets old to see you posting it in almost every thread on this forum.

Don't waste your time, he is obsessed with commenting on other people's posts but yet when someone disagrees with him he calls them names, bashed their grammar or spelling or in your case, he tells you not to read his stuff.

He needs to take his own advice. He doesn't like Kirk, we get it, so if he doesn't like Kirk or anyone who doesn't want to drive Kirk out of town by a lynch mob then he needs to stop reading others posts as well. But I guess it is easier for him to be annoying and bash Kirk all day long by commenting on other people's post.

It is old and tired but yet he can't see it but I bet 75% of the people agree with him in that Kirk needs to go but he is so extreme in his hatred no one can stand him.

Myth, no one INCLUDING KIRK is comfortable with the state of the program. As I have said in multiple threads that you derail with your Kirk bashing yet you never seem to address my point. He isn't going to show panic or throw anyone under the bus. Prime example is the Eric Campbell stuff and as other implied a couple more coaches could be going out the door as well but Kirk isn't going to publicly state he asked them to leave so in your mind, you don't think he is doing anything to change the program. Well that makes perfect sense.
You gotta let go of the "comfortable with everything" quote. It's a complete misquote, on your part; and it's done and gone. Yawn.

Why would he let it go? That would hurt his agenda of getting on here and attacking anyone who doesn't rise up and revolt against Kirk.

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