Dear America: Iowa Doesn't Care What You Think

Don't mean to pry into your business, but we're going to need a total clicks count on this one later this week/next week. I'm seeing this story everywhere...facebook, and national pundits.

Less than 24 hours after publishing, it has been read over 180,000 times, by people in 113 different countries. It's the most viewed column I have ever written. The social interaction we have had on it via facebook and twitter is also the most we have ever had. So I appreciate you all not just reading it, but sharing it with others.
You are a gem. I have never seen you call it anything that it is not. I have never seen you not own it if you needed to own it.

Great stuff, amazing article as always, tremendous statistics and I cannot thank you enough.

As you can see I lack your writing skillz. haha

Go Hawks!!!
Less than 24 hours after publishing, it has been read over 180,000 times, by people in 113 different countries. It's the most viewed column I have ever written. The social interaction we have had on it via facebook and twitter is also the most we have ever had. So I appreciate you all not just reading it, but sharing it with others.

I shared it on Facebook myself. I thought this was your best work yet. What makes this 7-0 start even more special is that our team is made up of a bunch of nobodies. I don't mean that in a bad way, but no individual on Iowa's team has received much national attention (except for maybe Desmond King).

There's a lot of football left to be played, but it feels great knowing that the B1G and national championships are still within reach.

Iowa has never consistantly received the national recognition that other premier programs have during up years.

However Brett Musburger and Ara Parseghian always gave Iowa football the achievement acolades leading up to and during nationally televised games. They did a fantastic job of commenting evenly in appropriate fashion.. You never had the sense that they had any favorites and if they did it sure didn't appear so..

Keep in mind the history of some of the commentators now at the controls in regard to their personal history of losses to Iowa. It seems the Kevin Griese's a former Michigan QB thrive on making Iowa sound inferior at any level.

Further who was the starting Michigan Quarterback when # 1 Iowa beat #2 Michigan in Iowa City 12-10? You got it none other than Jimmy Harbaugh.

There are many other commentators that have no allegiance to Iowa and will never give Iowa it's due. So with that Iowa will continue to compete with players that were crossed off the radar by other so called tough scheduling teams. Iowa coaches have to be more adapt and keen in their approach to developing divison one players. If you are a offensive lineman go to Iowa and be all you can be.
Iowa has never consistantly received the national recognition that other premier programs have during up years.

However Brett Musburger and Ara Parseghian always gave Iowa football the achievement acolades leading up to and during nationally televised games. They did a fantastic job of commenting evenly in appropriate fashion.. You never had the sense that they had any favorites and if they did it sure didn't appear so..

Keep in mind the history of some of the commentators now at the controls in regard to their personal history of losses to Iowa. It seems the Kevin Griese's a former Michigan QB thrive on making Iowa sound inferior at any level.

Further who was the starting Michigan Quarterback when # 1 Iowa beat #2 Michigan in Iowa City 12-10? You got it none other than Jimmy Harbaugh.

There are many other commentators that have no allegiance to Iowa and will never give Iowa it's due. So with that Iowa will continue to compete with players that were crossed off the radar by other so called tough scheduling teams. Iowa coaches have to be more adapt and keen in their approach to developing divison one players. If you are a offensive lineman go to Iowa and be all you can be.

You think Kevin Griese is hard on us, his brother Brian is brutal.
the article was a little long and I don't believe the stuff about coach of the year and recruiting rankings needed to be in there. Should have stuck to what Iowa has accomplished this year. Rest of the stuff does not matter. easy remaining schedule does not matter, because if Iowa wins the west, they will get their chance for respect on a national stage.

The recruiting rankings were important.
Michigan and Florida are doing well, but

"Since 1998 every team that has won a national title except for Oklahoma in 2000 has had at least two top ten national signing classes in the four years before a title."
Recent history suggests your national champion will be 1 of these 11 teams:
4 top ten classes: Alabama, Ohio State, Florida State, and Auburn
3 top ten classes: USC, Florida, and LSU
2 top ten classes: Georgia, Tennessee, Michigan and Texas A&M
Oh how I love it when little ol IOWA gets espn all shook up! How dare we intrude on hallowed football ground! Hawks rest up and heal up because we need to kick some a$$!!!!! Stay focused Hawks and take it 1 game at a time. Hawk fans will be there for ya screaming and a yelling like never before! GO HAWKS!

If 'bama' loses a couple more games, ESpin will still have Paul what's his name on talking about
how 'the tide' is going to do next week, next month, next year.

Such a CROCK, Espin has become for the SEcheat.
The way I see it, the media doesn't recognize the fact that our schedule the rest of the way helps us as much as it hurts us. Had we played our 5 toughest games of the year at the end of the season, we'd mostly likely still be ranked and climbing the ladder. The difference is now based on "how weak our last 5 games are" we don't have the luxury of dropping an early season game and getting a mulligan because we finished strong.
Fact is at this point, whether we should or shouldn't be in the conversation, we don't get that lucky. Where as some programs get a second chance and can sneak into the playoffs with a loss, while we may be able to slip up and still win the west, our playoffs started week 1. Lose a game and no chance we make the 4 team field. Most the big boys have multiple chances to prove they still belong.


While I get that Alabama is Alabama, they lost to Ole Miss. Ole Miss now has TWO losses. Stanford lost to NW. NW now has TWO losses.

But we're supposed to believe NOBODY is playing as well as Alabama or Stanford "right now". Cool. When they can say they ran the table, I'll agree.

Meanwhile, we could win out by an average of 2 points per game, win the B1G CG by 1 point, and we'll get ragged on for not being "dominant".

EDIT: Note, for posterity, that Ole Miss is still ranked.
First, Jon, congrats on the accolades you are receiving for your article! Way to go, man. Secondly, I have been very consistent in my willingness to ignore the big media when it comes to Iowa football, and basketball, for that matter. Finally, my desire for this team is to win the BT West. I don't really care what gets written nationally about that group of teams. Then, I would love to see the Hawks in Indy against whomever. Win or lose, it would be fun. Then, I want to see Iowa in a very good bowl game. On the other hand, I would not be shocked if Iowa dropped a game or even two of the last five. Look back and recognize that we are virtually assured of winning at least 9 games this year. Who would have thunk it...Of course, I would love 12-0. (signed) Capt. Obvious
The recruiting rankings were important.
Michigan and Florida are doing well, but

"Since 1998 every team that has won a national title except for Oklahoma in 2000 has had at least two top ten national signing classes in the four years before a title."
Recent history suggests your national champion will be 1 of these 11 teams:
4 top ten classes: Alabama, Ohio State, Florida State, and Auburn
3 top ten classes: USC, Florida, and LSU
2 top ten classes: Georgia, Tennessee, Michigan and Texas A&M

Exactly. pointing out that Iowa has had non-elite recruiting classes did not help the argument that Iowa should be taken seriously nationally. So why include it in the article? The article should have stuck with what Iowa has accomplished on the field this year and why they deserve to be taken seriously. Save the coach of the year argument for another article. JMHO
The tone is a bit chippy and defensive, somewhat contradicting the title, but it served to draw people's attention... and then Jon nails it with the substance. Herbie in particular "got" this, and was complimentary on Twitter.

Final grade: well done, Jon.
The tone is a bit chippy and defensive, somewhat contradicting the title, but it served to draw people's attention... and then Jon nails it with the substance. Herbie in particular "got" this, and was complimentary on Twitter.

Final grade: well done, Jon.

I thought this as well. What American thinks obviously bothers JD, and it bothers many Iowa fans. If JD or Iowa fans really didn't care, they would be all like


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