Deace's Big Ten Expansion Comments


Well-Known Member
In the Deace and Miller podcast this morning, Steve mentioned some rumblings of in the next two months that Rutgers, Boston College, and Notre Dame to be added to Big Ten. Interesting that it has not been brought up here yet or maybe I didn't see it....but what might the divisions look take:

Michigan St
Ohio St

Penn St
Notre Dame
Boston College

This seems to keep in tact most rivalries while giving new instituitions some as well. Also, seems to balance Basketball and Football power a bit. Not an easy thing to do, this is my best guess at it.
Flip Notre Dame and Northwestern around and you got it. Notre Dame would with michigan state and Michigan--those 2 schools are biggest "traditional" big ten rivalries.
Big Ten rumors, this never gets old. If Deace and other media guys make enough predictions they are bound to be right at some point.
Boston College? Hmmm...... did Deace get that one from another one of
the Huckabee trolls?<G>

Realistically I see one team from the East Coast(Pitt or Rutgers), one "Wow factor" team...(Nebraska or Notre Dame), and Mizzou (KC & St Louis TV sets).
Boston College? Hmmm...... did Deace get that one from another one of
the Huckabee trolls?<G>

Realistically I see one team from the East Coast(Pitt or Rutgers), one "Wow factor" team...(Nebraska or Notre Dame), and Mizzou (KC & St Louis TV sets).

hey, Deace and Miller are highly connected. don't doubt them for a second.
If you are going to rag on a guy, you might as well get what he said right. Deace said he had sources in the Michigan AD's office and to not be surprised if there is an announcement that Notre Dame, Rutgers and Boston College were being admitted to the Big Ten. He made no promises or guarantees. He didn't even say if he believed it or not. He was just passing along something he heard for us to make our own minds up about. Being on a sports talk radio show, isn't that part of what he is there for? If it ends of being 100% correct or it ends up not resembling the ultimate reality at all, I am glad he is passing such stuff along.
If you are going to rag on a guy, you might as well get what he said right. Deace said he had sources in the Michigan AD's office and to not be surprised if there is an announcement that Notre Dame, Rutgers and Boston College were being admitted to the Big Ten. He made no promises or guarantees. He didn't even say if he believed it or not. He was just passing along something he heard for us to make our own minds up about. Being on a sports talk radio show, isn't that part of what he is there for? If it ends of being 100% correct or it ends up not resembling the ultimate reality at all, I am glad he is passing such stuff along.

How exactly is he "ragging on the guy"? He stated Deace said there were some "rumblings" and didn't make any derogatory statement at all about Steve or the rumblings. Then he broke down that if this is the case how he thinks it would shake out with each division. Take it easy there UP.
If these 3 teams were added, would we still be called the Big Ten? What about if 1 more team were added to even it out? Would it be the Big Ten East and Big Ten West? I could do without Rutgers and BC, they would be sitting on the bottom most years in "insert sport here" but I think ND would bring a lot more attention and beef up the Big Ten (as if we weren't THE powerhouse to begin with!)
If you are going to rag on a guy, you might as well get what he said right. Deace said he had sources in the Michigan AD's office and to not be surprised if there is an announcement that Notre Dame, Rutgers and Boston College were being admitted to the Big Ten. He made no promises or guarantees. He didn't even say if he believed it or not. He was just passing along something he heard for us to make our own minds up about. Being on a sports talk radio show, isn't that part of what he is there for? If it ends of being 100% correct or it ends up not resembling the ultimate reality at all, I am glad he is passing such stuff along.

yeah, sources. i make something up and say that i have sources and we're good. This is the same guy that said on his afternoon show that the government was looking to take over housing with their bailout of fannie and freddie. i called him on it and he referred me to his source: an op ed piece from a seattle newspaper. good stuff.
Deace and his sources may not be reliable all the time, but I would rather have him/they pass along the info as it is going on then to be left out of the loop. Isn't that why we tune into sports radio and come on message boards like this anyway- to get the inside info and to discuss it openly to weed out all the BS? If all the people who ***** and moan about this kind of stuff would like to take the time and research it ALL and pass it along to us, then by all means go for it. BUT if you get any info wrong, even once, then be prepared to for us to shovel it right back to you.
I don't see this happening. I'm thinking BC and Rutgers don't even make the first cut.

Probably right, but you never know! Does anyone know if there an official announcement or deadline for this if it happens? I know it has been said within 18 months or so but I have also head as soon as the next few months. I would think they would make the move during the down time between big sports seasons (like the summer months). I would also bet it would have to be next year- as all of the football schedules seem to be set in stone this year. Anyone? Anyone?