Dbag Saban, again...

Saban really is the scum of the earth but he's a hell of a football coach and it's pretty obvious he doesn't mind treating players like pawns in chess.

Hopefully the move by many schools, including Auburn apparantly, will curtail some of the shenanigans that go on in the SEC.
Ferentz did not pull an offer from a player that had already committed. He pulled an offer on a kid that had not yet decided and they ran out of scholarships. These players had actually committed to Alabama and stopped their search.
Ferentz pulled a couple of offers in the last few days. Is he a d-bag, also?

I believe, and may be wrong, but the schollys he pulled were pulled from kids that would not commit to their commitment. ie leave Iowa hanging at the last hour on signing day.

Ferentz knew this and then made offers to other deserving kids.
Ferentz pulled a couple of offers in the last few days. Is he a d-bag, also?

No he didnt. This is like Ryan Ward, or whoever, committing to the Hawks 8 months ago. NSD comes around and higher rated prospect lets Ferentz know he wants to come. Iowa calls Ward on NSD and tells him we are giving his scholly to someone else at the last minute. This is pretty ****** of Saban.
columbus hawk = bitter hawk, i think.

I'm not a bitter Hawk. I just wanted to throw something out there for discussion. I agree Sabin plays lose & fast with the rules. Big Ten fans, in general, will leap at every opportunity to criticize the SEC. But we are not without our faults.
I'm not a bitter Hawk. I just wanted to throw something out there for discussion. I agree Sabin plays lose & fast with the rules. Big Ten fans, in general, will leap at every opportunity to criticize the SEC. But we are not without our faults.

you are really stretching here.

you think it is a fault to offer a scholarship to a player, and then if said player doesn't accept it to give it to someone else who will?

very few players are of the level that they have a scholarship offer 'unconditionally'.

I don't think it is committing a crime in morality to offer something to player, and the first one who accepts gets said offer and the rest lose said offer.
Ferentz did not pull an offer from a player that had already committed. He pulled an offer on a kid that had not yet decided and they ran out of scholarships. These players had actually committed to Alabama and stopped their search.

What Ferentz did is common and done at every major D1 school every year.

What Saban did is done virtually nowhere but at Alabama, LSU and maybe a handful of others.

No comparison whatsoever.

But it's worse than that: Alabama and LSU made the news last year when it emerged they've been regularly non-renewing kids' scholarships halfway through their careers, to make room for more incoming recruits. On top of the SEC oversigning scandal, it was the impetus for the NCAA now encouraging schools to offer 4-year guaranteed scholarships.

Emmert and the NCAA need to level the playing field on this crap, by imposing nationwide rules on oversigning, scholarship policy etc. Letting the conferences handle it obviously hasn't worked.
Ohhh cause I thought Malloy had scholarship and KF pulled it. We could even spin this story more by saying KF pulled it after he tore his ACL but offered him a grayshirt kind of like the Bama Yeldon story....

Sorry I'm not trolling. I just think Saban does whatever it takes to win. If Saban was Iowa's coach, James white wouldn't be listed on the depth chart all year. I can also guarantee he would have an open competition at QB instead of just handing it over to a JVB who has one road win total to his name
Ohhh cause I thought Malloy had scholarship and KF pulled it. We could even spin this story more by saying KF pulled it after he tore his ACL but offered him a grayshirt kind of like the Bama Yeldon story....

Sure his arrest and guilty plea had nothing to do with that. :rolleyes:
Ohhh cause I thought Malloy had scholarship and KF pulled it. We could even spin this story more by saying KF pulled it after he tore his ACL but offered him a grayshirt kind of like the Bama Yeldon story....

Sorry I'm not trolling. I just think Saban does whatever it takes to win. If Saban was Iowa's coach, James white wouldn't be listed on the depth chart all year. I can also guarantee he would have an open competition at QB instead of just handing it over to a JVB who has one road win total to his name

how do you explain then Ferentz not pulling a certain player in Chicago who too tore his acl after receiving said iowa offer? many examples of Ferentz honoring scholarship offer after injury.

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