Darius Stokes

I know.

But the state of the freaking program is that we are actually talking about walk-ons. That is just freaking brutal. If a walk-on ever becomes a true contributor in NCAA hoops it should be a complete and utter surprise.

Definitely shouldn't be a topic of conversation coming off a RSF year. Again, the fact that it is a topic of conversation shows how far the program has fallen.

So it isn't a condemnation of Stokes. He should just be allowed to continue to develop under the normal obscurity afforded to walk-ons.

Caar, just curious- What do you suggest Fran do to shore up our recruiting woes?
I know.

But the state of the freaking program is that we are actually talking about walk-ons. That is just freaking brutal. If a walk-on ever becomes a true contributor in NCAA hoops it should be a complete and utter surprise.

Definitely shouldn't be a topic of conversation coming off a RSF year. Again, the fact that it is a topic of conversation shows how far the program has fallen.

So it isn't a condemnation of Stokes. He should just be allowed to continue to develop under the normal obscurity afforded to walk-ons.

I don't think anyone said they were talking about the status of Iowa Basketball. The kid improved some and people took notice about it. Good for him. Nothing more, nothing less. Does anyone know if Darryl Moore played basketball at Iowa?
Every single thing that happens regarding this team shows how far we have fallen. The fact that we have two open scholarships. The fact that we can't fill Carver. The fact that we have to legitimately worry about getting beaten by Nebraska in their inaugural Big Ten season. The fact that something called Devon Archie will probably be on the court at key moments this season.

It's no secret that the program is down. The consecutive 20-loss seasons might have suggested something along those same lines. We get it. Some of us would just rather talk about something else instead of rehearsing the same thing over and over and over again.

I could give a flying **** about so-and-so 5-star recruit that we aren't going to sign, about so-and-so big time assistant coach recruiter, about the transfer that Iowa State got and we didn't, and about the so-called "game-changers" on other teams. I want to talk about our coach, our players, and our team. I could honestly care less how those players were ranked after an AAU tournament when they were 15 years old. I want to see them play hard, play smart, play together, and win more games than they did last year. And then I want them to win more games the following year and more games the year after that. I'm not sure what else you can ask beyond that, in any sport, at any level.

The continual harping on what Iowa basketball used to be and how far we've fallen is so freaking boring it makes me want to put my head in the oven.

+1. Thank you! My thoughts exactly. It's like some posters on here act like Fran isn't trying his best to bring in quality talent. What do you suggest he do? Our program sucks right now. We get it and understand the situation we're in, Captain Obvious (Caar). Everybody and their mom knows we need an upgrade in talent.
Sad to say, but McCaffrey's temporary insanity with Hubbard is to blame for many a disgruntled post the past few days. With Hubbard still on the team, I honestly think most posts would be dripping with optimism, not cynicism.
So you're saying it's not that Coach McCaffery recruited Hubbard, but the FACT THAT HUBBARD SCREWED UP AND HAD TO BE RELEASED that's bothering you. Is that the coaching staff's fault?
So you're saying it's not that Coach McCaffery recruited Hubbard, but the FACT THAT HUBBARD SCREWED UP AND HAD TO BE RELEASED that's bothering you. Is that the coaching staff's fault?

No, that's not what he said. If Hubbard hadn't gotten in trouble, people wouldn't be going all post-Wisky fake punt around here. It's as if the world has ended.
PTL stats have Stokes avg 6.0 ppg 3.4 rpg. I saw him play his last few games in prime time and he has improved a lot since high school. He's long, athletic, and runs the floor well. The last game I saw he hit a couple baseline threes and had a couple nice dunks in transition. Still has a long way to go but I could see him contributing in a couple years.
If he develops into a Kurt Looby type by his senior year, I'd take it...and Caar...holy mother of God, come down from the ledge...if this thread was about Basabe, would you be ok that the Clones are talking about White? Chiiiill...it's going to be ok...even if some of you can't be happy unless you're complaining...
People look back at the beginning of the thread. Someone suggested Stokes could get one of the open schollies.

That is to what I was referring. Sure, if he developed into a Kurt Looby by his senior year that would be great. But he shouldn't take up a scholarship getting there.

Also, for those of you talking about walk-ons contributing, yes they do at times. But again, it should be a surprise and they should remain walk-ons.

They are particularly helpful as upper-classmen while young scholarship athletes are developing. But they need to be the sprinkles in the icing. Otherwise, you run the risk of going down Little Lick Lane.
I don't think anyone said they were talking about the status of Iowa Basketball. The kid improved some and people took notice about it. Good for him. Nothing more, nothing less. Does anyone know if Darryl Moore played basketball at Iowa?

Can't forget that he is legacy, always good to talk about. Also, the fact that Darius grew like a weed his junior and senior seasons did Not help in his development. Give the guy another season and he could make some noise. He has a good mentor too...
So you're saying it's not that Coach McCaffery recruited Hubbard, but the FACT THAT HUBBARD SCREWED UP AND HAD TO BE RELEASED that's bothering you. Is that the coaching staff's fault?

In this case, yes it is. You don't make a public spectacle out of recruiting a kid with Hubbard's past only to have him wash out 5 weeks in. Sorry, awful judgment by McCaffrey viewed in the context of a zero tolerance policy that was obviously in place regardless of what Barta says. So you bring a 26 year old ex-con to a college town with all the hype Hubbard received and then give him the monk's code of conduct to live by?

I am not blaming the staff, this was on McCaffrey. He championed the guy from day one and threw out all the stupid quotes about "his juco coach said he is the kind of guy you want your daughter to date". He HAD TO KNOW that Hubbard would be 200% invested in this before offeing him and he got played like a fool. Hubbard is gone and the dire need for depth at the PG spot did not get addressed.
Can't believe Coach McCaffery would have brought him here if had ANY doubts that he would pass muster. This is on Hubbard.