Darboh article

Darboh's is really a unique situation. Adopted, no real ties to the U of I like a lot of kids growing up in the State and with parents that are not really sports fans per se.

My sense is that Iowa's shot fairly good and two pronged, Soup is well respected and has a great track record as a position coach and it the U of I is located closer to Des Moines than the others schools. Just reading that article tells you the kid considers distance from DM an issue.

However, his HC is a big UM fan and was supposedly enamored with the trip to Ann Arbor. That may play into his decision too. Having your HC in your ear about a school will make a difference like it or not.

It will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out. The kid is still really new to football. He is achieving at a high level after not playing the game for very long, less than 3-4 yrs. He could develop into a real star with the right coaching at the right program. Add to that the fact that he won't be a problem kid and you have recipe for a great recruit.
Doesn't mean anything - however this did give me a negative twinge towards Dowling.

Where do you get that? That article was written with a very high Michigan bias (obviously).
There are coaching staff connections to every one of the schools in his top 5. The author just chose to focus on the Michigan connection.
to those that cry about losing instate kids, should not expect KF to get top players from out of state
Johnson is one of the top prospects in Illinois, and he is not the only prospects from Illinois or other states
if Shutt changes his committment from PSU to Iowa, it will mean Iowa got the #1 player out of Illinois
you can't expect to have it both ways
also the kid hasn't announced yet
the fact that Grant annouced he is leaving may actually help