Dallas Clark?

I have been to Dallas, TX several times. I also know a fishing guide on the Clark Fork river in Montana.
Given these unique insights, I still can not proffer what #44 will be doing in a few months time.
While waiting in line for popcorn watching Dan Clark play qb for Simpson College, a young Dallas was eating a Milky Way and could not confirm his plans for this year while I tried to steal it away from him.
Hell, I chatted with Dallas himself at Village Inn in IC in Oct 2010, day after the fkn northwestern loss, and HE didn't know his plans for 2012.

(Troo story.)

The Hawks played NU in Evanston in 2010, and it was in November. Are you sure this is a troo story?
I talked to Helen Keller the other day, and she couldn't see what Dallas had in his future.


By the way, was she wearing these?


Bottom Line - Helen Keller sunglasses create a stir
The Hawks played NU in Evanston in 2010, and it was in November. Are you sure this is a troo story?

WISCONSIN loss. I sat with Seff and he farted the entire game. But we had killer seats.
#23 Shonn Greene was honorary captain and I still have pics. He wore a vest of some sort.
Good catch, Sec. My mistake.