Dallas Clark

As long as Andre Tippett, Paul Krause and Emlen Tunnell are the only Hawks in the HoF, the argument begins and ends with them, IMHO.
I had heard about Paul Krause and knew he was the NFL interception leader (81). I had not heard of Emlen Tunnell but he's second all time with 79 picks, that's awesome the top two in interceptions in the NFL went to Iowa. NFL All-Time Leaders - National Football League - ESPN I don't see how anyone can be considered better than these two.

The thing that is very cool about Mr. Krause and Mr. Tunnell being at the top...is that no one is close and no one that is playing right now is even on the list. Paul broke Emlen's record and we may never see either passed. If they are ever passed, it should be a Hawkeye!

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