

Well-Known Member
This tool is going to get his butt kicked one of these days but some parent whose kid he just dissed in a game. If I'm Crean, he ought to kick him in the balls. Seriously, the stuff he was saying about the leadership and will of the Indiana players was crossing a line in my opinion. Teams change when leaders get hurt (Hartman, OG)...especially mid year...and in this league, it can unravel really, really quickly. We know at Iowa all too well. Unless he knows these guys aren't putting in the effort, then may he should focus on complimenting the other team. Iowa wanted that game badly too, so give them credit rather than tearing down Indiana's players.

I can't believe ESPN let's him say half the stuff he does. Dude needs a shock collar or something.
Sorry Guys I wont post anything vile again.
I think he is criticizing Crean because he is an Indiana guy and he thinks he could do a better job....he says some dumb stuff like messing up names, but for the most part he does know what he is talking about in my opinion. He is occasionally annoying, for sure
for some reason I really enjoy Dakich. I may be alone in that.

I've learned to enjoy listening to him, too. He's good at what he does and is a natural behind the microphone IMO.

That said, he needs to tone it down with his criticisms and Twitter wars.. He's very polarizing and I could see him getting himself into hot water at some point if he takes it too far.
He can be annoying for sure, but I appreciate his candor and from what I've seen on the Hoosier boards, he is right on target with his takes on Indiana basketball.

I don't want a color guy who is just telling me how wonderful every player and team is.
Dakich clearly wants to be a coach more than an announcer. In his mind he is a deity that has all the answers to the game of basketball. Sometimes his analysis is very good, but sometimes he lays it on too thick and should just shut up. If he knew half as much as he thought he did then he would have done better than 156-140 at Bowling Green.
Dakich's College coaching record as a head coach 159-144. A number which may make baseball fans happy but not Bball fans! Hasn't had a head coach job in 8 yrs and he's as rude as they come!
Jockitch reminds me of Billy Packer. He always knows exactly what every player should be doing at every moment of the game. And like Packer, if he knows that much, he would have actually been a good coach.
He can be annoying...

But he speaks his mind...with candor...even in free association garble...

He does know the game and loves it...

Better than a "safe" "vanilla" or "quota fill" announcer who is clueless...

Reminds me a bit of Nick Faldo or Johnny Miller in golf...some candor, and announcing talent, but always cloaked in talk about how amazing and important they were and still are...
Not a fan - don't mind that he speaks his mind - i enjoy that... it's just that often times he's not real fair in his thoughts. He attacked Woody for the eye poke which I'll never ever and I mean ever, think was intentional.
No doubt, lol. Calhoun was a great coach to be sure, but I think I can only understand about one of every 10 words that comes out of his mouth during a game..

Totally agree. And unfortunately, he did the color on a lot of our big wins last season.

BTW, I am a fan of Dakich.
Didn't he jump all over Woodbury and Fran over the eye poking deal? I'm not a fan of his when it comes to how he goes after kids so much. But that doesn't mean he's not right or wrong for doing it. His 2 cents on things are what they are. I've yet to agree with anyone on everything....

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