Dafuq I Just Read?

I am not alone in feeling bad about being a loser.

I do not like knowing my school’s teams are only trying to win, and every time I think about it, I cannot help but feel pity for those who lose to us.

This article is the most perfectest thing ever in print. It's going in my Evernote.
Wow, just wow. Dr;tl, but skimmed, and feel like I still lost a precious minute or two of my life. Ames should be soo pwoud.
I stopped here:
Because this team represents our university, this means that our school also can be called a “losing school,” and as a student, that makes me feel sad.
I just read that and it makes me sad that I did...what a piece of work. I wonder if he got a swirly that day from a football player.
"Outside of professional sports, competition is not useful."

Yeah, this guy is going to be real successful in the real world.
Obviously it is a poorly written satire... the guy tried doing similar shoddy satire about the could weather as well.
Obviously it is a poorly written satire... the guy tried doing similar shoddy satire about the could weather as well.

Yeah, that was my guess as well. Irregardless, I bet this fella will be living in Williamsburg, have a full on lice infested beard and be going by "Zander' in roughly 5 years. This country is doomed.
Many people have developed hatred towards animals that represent rival schools. This is likely a major cause of people everywhere disliking our school mascot, the Cyclone. Most media coverage of cyclones outside of ISU sports is negative.

I can't compete with logic like that.

Or with the judgment of a guy who moves from Monterey, CA to Ames, IA, on purpose.

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