Dabo and Clemson

When the team's "leadership" council puts together a list of 3 goals at the beginning of the year and not one of them includes a conference championship, a Top 10 finish, or a national championship...then the program will never win one.
Yeah. I think in todays college football. I think making the playoffs should be the first goal. That goes for the coaches and scheduling who they play in the non conference right on down. If you have a schedule like Iowa has had where it's 'debatable' on whether or not you should get to the playoffs if you run the table then your not doing your job. So the ADs/HCs should be working towards that. As nice as the Outback bowl is it's by no means what should be towards the top of any priority list in the preseason...
A lot of Hawkeyes like posting this: "I've come to grips with the fact Iowa will never play for all the marbles in football or basketball."

That really is loser talk. Tell me why Clemson was destined to be in the title game back to back years????

Answer: Dabo.

Iowa can make it to the "game". The right coach will get us there. It's just a matter of finding him.
I agree, but you have to be prepared to accept at Iowa what has happened at Nebraska and other schools. The revolving door approach rarely works out, and if you don't find the right coach the first time then your program is going to be a complete tire fire a la the huskers. Yes, they have a better record than us but look at the teams they beat. Nebraska is on its fourth coach since 2003 because the fans and administrators expect instant 11-1 seasons and run coaches out who've never done worse than 9-3. Now guess what? They're not ever going to get the next Nick Saban because coaches see what a shit show it is and there's no way an elite guy is going to go there only to get embarrassed and run out of town. So Nebraska's only option is to take the mid-level cast offs like Riley and hope for the best. Not a situation I'd like to be in.

I'm not opposed to looking for a coach by any means, but you have to be able to handle it if it doesn't work out. Saban/Harbaugh/etc. would be great to have, but you also have to remember that before they were great coaches/recruiters they were just as much of a long shot as anyone else, and the odds of picking a dud are orders of magnitude higher than finding the next national champ coach. If the Hawks went a different direction than Ferentz I'd hope like he'll he was given at least a chance. Because right now, we have 2 choices: be top third of the conference consistently and make a bowl game every year but never compete at the top, or gamble on a coach which could make the Hawks contenders but (statistically) is more likely to leave us with a burnt turd like they have in Lincoln right now. Tough choice because I want to be a playoff team, but I also don't want to be a flavor of the month laughing stock.
So you fellers actually believe that if Saban or Dabo came to Iowa, they would have the Hawks playing for national championships? I don't think the facts about the 'nature of the game' at this time support that theory...The only time someone was able to compete at that level at Iowa was when Forrest Evashevski cheated like hell in recruiting. I always loved Alex Karras's story about his recruitment and time at Iowa......

Here's something Alex said when he was 41....""It's ridiculous for Iowa to try to compete with Ohio State and Michigan in the Big Ten. Those schools have alumni groups that can get them anything they want. Bob Commings, who was my roommate at Iowa, is the best coach Iowa can get, but he's bucking a very big dynasty in the conference."

Things really haven't changed much.....oh, except know we know players 'stars' now, so that really evened the playing field, bahahaha........
When the team's "leadership" council puts together a list of 3 goals at the beginning of the year and not one of them includes a conference championship, a Top 10 finish, or a national championship...then the program will never win one.

That is disturbing. I wonder if it is a reflection of the HC and players taking on his lil ole Iowa personality.
That is disturbing. I wonder if it is a reflection of the HC and players taking on his lil ole Iowa personality.

I have no doubt it is. In fact, I could see a scenario where the leadership council sends him a list of their goals for the year and he comes back to them and says "Guys, these goals are too ambitious....you need to take them down a notch. Might I suggest the following: 1. Win your trophy games. 2. Get back to Indy 3. Win a bowl game. How's that sound?"

I'm waiting for the time when I read that one of the team goals is "Do your best". I mean, why not. KF himself says that he judges seasons on more than just wins and losses.....
Saviors of the BT football programs, Meyer and Harbaugh, have been totally embarrassed in post season play. I seem to recall that Urban was going to save the BT from mediocrity with his superior recruiting theories. Khaki Pants was going to bring Blu back to national power. Both were exposed, urban two years in a row. When PSU gets blown out in the Rose Bowl, the three most storied programs will have failed to show up. And then there is the other storied program, Nebraska...how did their bowl game work out for them? In Nashville? MSU falls apart in 2016 and does not even get to a bowl. Wisconsin plays a MAC school and at least will be favored. Hopefully, the Hawks will show some moxey. The door is open for Iowa, and some other BT programs to take a step up. Go for it.
You realize that Meyer (OSU) won the national championship just a couple years ago with a third string quarterback. But I guess that is ancient history.
So you fellers actually believe that if Saban or Dabo came to Iowa, they would have the Hawks playing for national championships? I don't think the facts about the 'nature of the game' at this time support that theory...The only time someone was able to compete at that level at Iowa was when Forrest Evashevski cheated like hell in recruiting. I always loved Alex Karras's story about his recruitment and time at Iowa......

Here's something Alex said when he was 41....""It's ridiculous for Iowa to try to compete with Ohio State and Michigan in the Big Ten. Those schools have alumni groups that can get them anything they want. Bob Commings, who was my roommate at Iowa, is the best coach Iowa can get, but he's bucking a very big dynasty in the conference."

Things really haven't changed much.....oh, except know we know players 'stars' now, so that really evened the playing field, bahahaha........

I would like to engage you in a friendly and lengthy discussion where we exchange ideas and thoughts about the Iowa football and basketball program.

I'll go first.

I think Stoops would have Iowa at the same place that Wisky is currently at.

I would like to engage you in a friendly and lengthy discussion where we exchange ideas and thoughts about the Iowa football and basketball program.

I'll go first.

I think Stoops would have Iowa at the same place that Wisky is currently at.


As to Iowa under Evy: I don't know much about whether or not Evy cheated on the recruiting trail. I have no evidence either way. But I do know that Evy retired because he saw the two platoon system coming and recognized that if Iowa had to recruit 22 starters, plus depth, rather than 11, he would be in trouble at Iowa.

If you, Icke, don't want to take my word for this little history lesson, google it. BTW, I saw my first Iowa game in 1952.
Can Iowa win it, sure, when all the recruiting, injuries, and stars align. Yes, you need the right coach and I think Sweeny, Saban, Meyer and there like really really want to and expect to win every game, damn the idea of 'that's football'. KF is a really good coach but not the perfectionist as these other coaches.

And just like Kirk plays for field position instead of TDs . . . he also plays for respectability rather than to put fear into the opponent. That's why he hates running up the score.

Clemson is now a Blue Blood. No one can convince me Iowa can't do it. Wanting it is the first step.

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