CyKo's brother...

Can't say that I am surprised. It's better than Auburn!!!! What I want to know is what happened to the "my brother has little influence on where I play" comment?

Oh well, we will still have an outstanding line with zero 5 star recruits. I think Hendy would have a larger impact anyway, if he can get out of his LOI that is.
Gee, what a shocker. I wish him and his brother well. They will be a big story in the coming years.
Not that he was coming to Iowa anyway, but something tells me that this is a classic example of a recruit's parents/family telling that recruit where he's going.
Can't say that I am surprised. It's better than Auburn!!!! What I want to know is what happened to the "my brother has little influence on where I play" comment?

Oh well, we will still have an outstanding line with zero 5 star recruits. I think Hendy would have a larger impact anyway, if he can get out of his LOI that is.

You do realize that saying "my brother won't influence me" DOESN'T mean he'd say no to Alabama? All he said is that Arie doesn't give Saban a leg up. Doesn't mean that he wouldn't find 'Bama to be the best fit anyway.
But saying that your going to take a "family vote", doesn't sound like a kid that is making a decision for himself (a lot of outside influence). But as usual, life goes one. Wish him the best.
But saying that your going to take a "family vote", doesn't sound like a kid that is making a decision for himself (a lot of outside influence). But as usual, life goes one. Wish him the best.
Agreed, sounds like the scenario(cant remember the recruits name) his mom wanted him to play at ND and he wanted to go elsewhere. He decomitted a few times and then finally signed with ND.
Didnt want him anyway. doesnt seem like an iowa player. kinda dull and awkward in interviews and he thinks iowa is too cold to play football in when he grew up in maryland
Agreed, sounds like the scenario(cant remember the recruits name) his mom wanted him to play at ND and he wanted to go elsewhere. He decomitted a few times and then finally signed with ND.

Aaron Lynch, and I feel sorry for that kid.

Didnt want him anyway. doesnt seem like an iowa player. kinda dull and awkward in interviews and he thinks iowa is too cold to play football in when he grew up in maryland

DIDN'T WANT HIM!!!!! You are crazy. I would have taken him in a heart beat. The kid was making a very crucial decision and wanted to get it right and obviously his family was pulling on him. If he wanted to come to Iowa that would've been great. I'm pretty sure he said Iowa was dull (I don't really know why he thinks this) but I don't think the weather influenced him. Anyway just because we didn't get him you went all sour grapes. Heck yes we wanted him. This is nothing like the Hendersen deal last year.