Cyclown Article


Well-Known Member
I invite some of you to lower your intelligence and read this article that should be titled I am a cyclone therefore I am an idiot.

Part of the tone of the article is a jab at Iowa Fans chiming in about ending the series with them now that they beat us a few times with their small streak while there was little mention of this when we beat them 15 years in a ROW. Perhaps this is true but the real fact of the matter is it scares the HE!! out of cyclone fans facing the prospect of losing this series. They have NO real rival. They pretend that we really do consider this the biggest game of the it is for them. But more importantly it would be a very big financial blow to them for losing the series. The simple fact that ISU IS subsidized by tax money and Iowa is not is enough evidence to me that ending the series would harm ISU much moreso than Iowa.

In fact I believe that losing the game with Iowa wouold send ripples throughout their entire schedule. They would not be able to charge 90 bucks a ticket for a game that would end up not being a sellout in replacing Iowa. Not having Iowa AND not having nebraska every other year to line their mooching pockets would hurt. I believe that many of their NOT so rabid fans would lose interest in ISU if the rivalry ended. I know many casual fans who became rabid ISU fans when ISU started beating Iowa a few years in a ROW for the rivalry. I grew up in cyclone country. I have more lifelong friends who are cyclone fans than Hawkeye fans. When ISU won 5 in a row a few years back the dynamics of those friendships drastically changed. Those friends came across as true cyclones but they became energized by those victories and started doing things like painting rooms in their house in school colors and buying season tix to games.

End the rivalry and in a few years they will start to lose interest.

I am thoroughly convinced that having the rivalry drastically energizes the ISU fan base. Losing the rivalry will damage their program worse than a simple single game revenue standpoint. Face it folks, the ISU program is hanging in the wings of a big 12. The big 12 appears to be a hospice situation. Losing the rivalry and the a conference would be extremely damaging to ISU.

Now since I despise most of their fans and have a general dislike for ISU in general I am willing to admit that ending the series would make me happy as a bug in a rug. Mostly because it would be enjoyable seeing the panic in their fan base.

I don't like playing them because it is indeed true that if we lose it is a wasted game. If we win then nobody in the polling media or country cares. We are rated as a top 10 program. Playing ISU does nothing for us from a national perspective.

Face it folks (again) THey need us way more than we need them. They are pretending it does't scare them to death at the prospect of losing this game. But in reality they go home each night and curl up into fetal position and whimper at the fact that they KNOW what would happen to them if the series is ended.
I read it and agree. I hope we dump the game. No Nebby, and no Iowa for ISU would be a death kneel for that program.

And Ill say what I say every time I criticize ISU, prove me wrong. Sell out every home game without Iowa on the schedule, make your progarm financially independant, play in a BCS game, and Ill be the first in line to congratulate you. But Im pretty damn sure it is not going to happen.
Ha ha.

Referencing the streak wasn't a jab at Iowa, just a statement of how I remembered the mood around the game.

You apparently disagreed with my number crunching that addressed the 'subsidy'? I would be happy to test everyone's theory that Iowa State will fall into the abyss without Iowa. Even though I want to play the game because I think it's fun and good for the state.

You also didn't like any of my Iowa State jokes?
Chalk up what you read to the Walter Mitty Syndrome:

"The name Walter Mitty and the derivative word "Mittyesque" have entered the English language, denoting an ineffectual person who spends more time in heroic daydreams than paying attention to the real world, or more seriously, one who intentionally attempts to mislead or convince others that he is something that he is not.
Ha ha.

Referencing the streak wasn't a jab at Iowa, just a statement of how I remembered the mood around the game.

You apparently disagreed with my number crunching that addressed the 'subsidy'? I would be happy to test everyone's theory that Iowa State will fall into the abyss without Iowa. Even though I want to play the game because I think it's fun and good for the state.

You also didn't like any of my Iowa State jokes?

Thanks for signing up!
the Clones --

3.5 home favt opening nite vs NI

Might be a long season

Isn't Northern Illinois one of the favorites to win the MAC?
Seems to me the better teams in the MAC early in the season give
lots of teams problems.. Even the really good ones.

Number is about right..
Isn't Northern Illinois one of the favorites to win the MAC?
Seems to me the better teams in the MAC early in the season give
lots of teams problems.. Even the really good ones.

Number is about right..

If that's the case, imagine what they'll be able to do against ISU!

But really, ISU only getting 3.5 at home - especially when home field is typically good for three points anyway - doesn't bode well for them.
Isn't Northern Illinois one of the favorites to win the MAC?
Seems to me the better teams in the MAC early in the season give
lots of teams problems.. Even the really good ones.

Number is about right..

The MAC west, or whatever division they are in. But as i recall someone saying, they are the weak division - kind of like the big 12 nord.
Chalk up what you read to the Walter Mitty Syndrome:

"The name Walter Mitty and the derivative word "Mittyesque" have entered the English language, denoting an ineffectual person who spends more time in heroic daydreams than paying attention to the real world, or more seriously, one who intentionally attempts to mislead or convince others that he is something that he is not.

Yep, I am simply out of touch with reality. Nevermind any of the supporting evidence.

Thanks for signing up!

No. Thank Ozhawk for the page views.
Some on their site have been questioning the wisdom of playing Iowa and think they also need to drop the series because they NOW are going to be playing 9 conference games. They also are delusional and think they really have a say in what the Big 12 does as a conference (after asking Texas, Ok, and A & M what they think and have decided first).

I'm all for dropping the series and playing the clowns once every 10 years or so. The two schools could play every 10 years or so.

Yes they beat us a few years in a row but they seem to forget that we have now won the last 5 out 7 and soon to be 6 out 8. Like the clowns often say after Iowa fans point out that Iowa won 15 in a row; winning 5 in a row is old history...

Plus, the clowns aren't even in the top five of Iowa's main rivalries and will soon drop another notch when we start playing NE, whereas Iowa IS the clowns ONLY game of the year...their only game. They have no one sad for our little brothers that after ALL these years they could not develop ONE other rivalry with ONE other school and have to depend on Iowa for THEIR ONLY rivalry and Iowa doesn't even consider them their primary rivalry, just another game....

I wonder how many other colleges do not have ANY two way rivalries????
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Playing ISU does nothing for Iowa's national hopes since ISU has no aspirations beyond beating Iowa. For Iowa the game is a tune up, for ISU its validation for their season. ISU is a perenial also ran in the B12 North. It is a rare occasion when they can even play spoiler. And when they win a game at Iowa, or Nebraska, the clowns cling to that little bit of validation like its a trophy. "My precious!", My precious!"
I invite some of you to lower your intelligence and read this article that should be titled I am a cyclone therefore I am an idiot.

Part of the tone of the article is a jab at Iowa Fans chiming in about ending the series with them now that they beat us a few times with their small streak while there was little mention of this when we beat them 15 years in a ROW. Perhaps this is true but the real fact of the matter is it scares the HE!! out of cyclone fans facing the prospect of losing this series. They have NO real rival. They pretend that we really do consider this the biggest game of the it is for them. But more importantly it would be a very big financial blow to them for losing the series. The simple fact that ISU IS subsidized by tax money and Iowa is not is enough evidence to me that ending the series would harm ISU much moreso than Iowa.

In fact I believe that losing the game with Iowa wouold send ripples throughout their entire schedule. They would not be able to charge 90 bucks a ticket for a game that would end up not being a sellout in replacing Iowa. Not having Iowa AND not having nebraska every other year to line their mooching pockets would hurt. I believe that many of their NOT so rabid fans would lose interest in ISU if the rivalry ended. I know many casual fans who became rabid ISU fans when ISU started beating Iowa a few years in a ROW for the rivalry. I grew up in cyclone country. I have more lifelong friends who are cyclone fans than Hawkeye fans. When ISU won 5 in a row a few years back the dynamics of those friendships drastically changed. Those friends came across as true cyclones but they became energized by those victories and started doing things like painting rooms in their house in school colors and buying season tix to games.

End the rivalry and in a few years they will start to lose interest.

I am thoroughly convinced that having the rivalry drastically energizes the ISU fan base. Losing the rivalry will damage their program worse than a simple single game revenue standpoint. Face it folks, the ISU program is hanging in the wings of a big 12. The big 12 appears to be a hospice situation. Losing the rivalry and the a conference would be extremely damaging to ISU.

Now since I despise most of their fans and have a general dislike for ISU in general I am willing to admit that ending the series would make me happy as a bug in a rug. Mostly because it would be enjoyable seeing the panic in their fan base.

I don't like playing them because it is indeed true that if we lose it is a wasted game. If we win then nobody in the polling media or country cares. We are rated as a top 10 program. Playing ISU does nothing for us from a national perspective.

Face it folks (again) THey need us way more than we need them. They are pretending it does't scare them to death at the prospect of losing this game. But in reality they go home each night and curl up into fetal position and whimper at the fact that they KNOW what would happen to them if the series is ended.

I worked with one of those type of fans. Once he was making fun of "tavernhawks" who according to his definition were people that jumped on the bandwagon when the Hawks were flying high.

A couple weeks later we were talking and I mentioned Hercle Ivy - the guy had no idea who I was talking about even though he was old enough to know who Hercle was. But he didn't because he was someone that jumped on the Cyclone bandwagon during their little streak. Yes I got a lot of mileage out of that.
I worked with one of those type of fans. Once he was making fun of "tavernhawks" who according to his definition were people that jumped on the bandwagon when the Hawks were flying high.

A couple weeks later we were talking and I mentioned Hercle Ivy - the guy had no idea who I was talking about even though he was old enough to know who Hercle was. But he didn't because he was someone that jumped on the Cyclone bandwagon during their little streak. Yes I got a lot of mileage out of that.

TavernClone! not knowing Ivey is akin to a Hawkeye not knowing Ronnie Lester

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