Critical Thinking Iowa v. Wisky

IMHO Tolzein is average QB. Yes the Wisky running duo is very good but as usual Iowa D will bend but not break. Wisky will move between the 20s and kick field goals. If penalties/losses/miscues leave Badgers in unfavorable down and distance situation, I don't think Tolzein will respond.
A couple other notes:
-You know Bert "Big Bird" Bielema will be amped up for this game. Hopefully his emotions get the best of him and he over-reaches, gambles, goes on 4th down, etc. This will back fire on him.
-KF should have a chat with the refs before the game. The last time the Badgers were in Kinnick, Wisky coaching staff was on the field every single play. Keep em back where they belong. Bert is a donkey and he needs to be warned once, then flagged.
Hawks 24
BADgers 13

Agreed. I sit right behind the visiting bench, so I'll remind "Big Berd" myself (in addition to the refs)! eeeee-haaawww.
I LOVE games like this: strength vs. strength. Their big O-line and excellent change-of-pace duo of backs vs. our D. Win or lose, the Hawks love to play against teams that want to play power football. The scary thing is the fact that they have that change-of-pace option. I'd feel a lot more confident if they just had to rely on Clay. Clay is tremendous, but what makes him even more of a threat is that they are not a one-dimensional offense.

Before their OSU game I would've predicted an edge for our offense vs their defense to be the difference. After watching them shut down OSU, however, this looks like an epic battle in the making.

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