Critical Thinking Iowa v. Wisky


Active Member
Okay, Lets get some opinions on clear advantages / disadvantages these teams have vis a vis one another.

I will start ( and I will leave the QB discussion to someone else because it is a differentiator)

1. D line for Iowa is clearly quicker , faster, more disruptive than wisky. I cannot see them getting a pass rush on Ricky without blitzing. JJ watt is a good player ( First or second guy off the bench for Iowa ).

Besides the meltdown in other areas (kick returns , turnovers) this is the deciding factor and is the reason why Iowa has "detesticled" Wisky the last few trys.
Okay I will go on the Wisky side.

The two headed running back is clearly a better option than Iowa with only A rob. This is not a slight on A Rob. They do the thunder and lightening mix very well.

Clearly the strength of Wisky is there RB duo. Iowa , as good as they are against the run, will be challenged to keep wisky's running game to modest production.

If Wisky is able to run .... could be a long day for our beloved hawkeyes
I would rather play Wisconsin than have to play Michigan again.

Wisconsin is 44-4 at home I believe in their last 48 home games. Iowa claims two of those wins, and came real close to a third in our 2007 game there.

Since 2001 I believe ferentz is 3-1 vs Wisconsin at home. We matchup very well with them. We have advantages on dline, safety, ten wr, coaching.

I think we beat wisconsin 8 of 10 times in Kinnick this year. Kinnick is going to be.racous next Saturday. The AZ loss is now totally out of our systems. Brace yourself for possibly the loudest Kinnick has been since the ohio state gold out.

They can line up with their horse and chariot offense and waste down after down plunging blanks into the teeth of our defense. There' no place for stubborn offenses against this hawkeye defense.

Iowa comes out and feeds off the electric atmosphere and puts on a dominating performance as we claim our stake back into the top 10 in both polls.

Iowa 27 Wisconsin 10
First off, the health of Mike Daniels is key. We'll need him in the rotation with the constant pounding Wisky will try to give us.
QB - Iowa
RB - Wiskey
OL - Wiskey
WR - Iowa
DL - Iowa
LB - wiskey
DB - Wiskey
ST - Wiskey

It will take lack of mistakes from Iowa to pull this off. Ball controll is key in this contest Time of possession and turnovers. We need to force fumbles and make them one dementional. If we look like Ohio ST then we are in trouble
the key for this game is to start quixk. Wisconsin isn't built to be able to come back and our D Line will be disruptive enough to make them earn it.

Wisconsin will run run and run some more. If you get up by 14 points in the first half and make Tolzein have to beat you, we will be fine.

Where we will get into trouble is if we get into a cat and mouse dogfight kind of game, because I think they can outlast us.
Here's my thoughts on Wisconsin.

I think they're a good team that played above their talent level last night. They got the early momentum with the kick return and were able to feed off the crowd for the entire first half. I think they had this game circled before the season started, and they played like it last night. I think they're in for an emotional letdown next weekend, and reading some of the postgame quotes from the players only re-enforces that notion.

I think the real Wisconsin team is the team that struggled to beat a mediocre Arizona State team at home, and the team that didn't/couldn't respond after getting punched in the mouth at MSU.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted them to win last night; an OSU loss gives Iowa an easier road. But I think the Badgers are going to get an extra-strength does of reality this Saturday.
what are these quotes you speak of?

They were in the game story that was in the Register today. I think it's AP write-up, so it should be available just about anywhere. Not sure of the exacts wordage as I don't have it in front of me, but one player was quoted as saying "I hope this feeling never ends."

Now, there really is no way to tell what context that quote was in, but I think it's somewhat telling.

edit - it is the AP game story, so hit ESPN or Yahoo or whatever.
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I like how we match up vs them as opposed to Michigan. Our defense (which has plenty to work on this week) matches up better in my opinion. They will line up and come right at you, north and south. Our front 4 are made to defend vs this type of offense in my opinion. Smashmouth football, then MSU comes to town. I hope Arob can stay healthy through these next two. Bring em on!!!! Gonna be a long week to wait!!!
Schmatically Iowa matches up well with Wisky offensively and defensively.

Iowa will be able to throw the ball, especially in the middle of the field.

#4(White) is the x-factor, if that kid has a good day, Iowa might have problems.....They'll stop Clay.

Some may think this is overrated, but I think wisky used up a lot of energy/emotion beating OSU.......Can you bring that type of energy/emotion 2 weeks in a row, on the road against a team who is just as good if not better than you? It caught up with Alabama and South Carolina.
Some may think this is overrated, but I think wisky used up a lot of energy/emotion beating OSU.......Can you bring that type of energy/emotion 2 weeks in a row, on the road against a team who is just as good if not better than you? It caught up with Alabama and South Carolina.
Not over-rated at all. And Iowa will face that same problem against a couple of teams on the road that aren't as good but have given Iowa troubles lately. But I'm getting ahead of ourselves.

Wiscy is all that matters now.

Iowa's defense will be ready. So will the fans.
From a football standpoint, I like the way we match up against Wisconsin. They are very similar to Penn State in this regard-- they line up and try to beat us at our own game, and most teams have a very hard time doing that.

From an emotional/psychological standpoint, Iowa has every advantage you could possibly imagine. Wisconsin's players probably spent their evening on State Street, or at the very least were wired until 4-5 am. You don't come down off that high and go to sleep right away. Iowa, on the other hand, had a few hours on the plane to think about the 4th quarter drives they gave up and the blocks they missed on running plays. Combine that with the fact that the game is at Kinnick and you have a significant edge.
We will need to withstand the crush of their O line in the first half. Teams have trouble doing that. They're super big and powerful, but sometimes fade against the hawks in the fourth.

Keys, as always in this game:
-stop the run
-be able to run
-no turnovers
-solid special teams
-QB play of Stanzi has to be a difference
-Stop JJ Wat
IMHO Tolzein is average QB. Yes the Wisky running duo is very good but as usual Iowa D will bend but not break. Wisky will move between the 20s and kick field goals. If penalties/losses/miscues leave Badgers in unfavorable down and distance situation, I don't think Tolzein will respond.
A couple other notes:
-You know Bert "Big Bird" Bielema will be amped up for this game. Hopefully his emotions get the best of him and he over-reaches, gambles, goes on 4th down, etc. This will back fire on him.
-KF should have a chat with the refs before the game. The last time the Badgers were in Kinnick, Wisky coaching staff was on the field every single play. Keep em back where they belong. Bert is a donkey and he needs to be warned once, then flagged.
Hawks 24
BADgers 13

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