Cowherd's right, and Iowa State is the problem.

Another thing about ND. If you don't want to penalize them for losing to Clemson that's fine. But don't give them the strength of schedule bump for playing them. They are ahead of Iowa because of their schedule. But how do you get credit for playing a team you lost to? Eliminate Clemson from their schedule and refigure their SoS. If it's still better than Iowa's by enough to counter the 1 loss, then by all means put them ahead of us.
Another thing about ND. If you don't want to penalize them for losing to Clemson that's fine. But don't give them the strength of schedule bump for playing them. They are ahead of Iowa because of their schedule. But how do you get credit for playing a team you lost to? Eliminate Clemson from their schedule and refigure their SoS. If it's still better than Iowa's by enough to counter the 1 loss, then by all means put them ahead of us.

I like where you're going but at the same time a close loss on the road vs number 1 is more inductive of your quality than beating number 50 at home and that should be accounted for.
He also said Lamar (never played them, EVER). And North Texas State University (a name that hasn't been used by North Texas in many years). Don't listen to him. Getting Iowa fans all riled up is giving him attention he doesn't deserve with his 0.0 TV rating.

Someone should inform Cowherd that Baylor played Lamar this year (second game of their season) not Iowa. Lamar also put 31 points on the board against Baylor. Just sayin...
Surprised no one has mentioned this to him. We need those extra home games for economic reasons, and it will be even worse when we go to the 9 game conference schedule. So we can't do those extra home and homes.

The problem here is Iowa State. They are our only open spot for a "marquee" home and home matchup.

Unfortunately, we are stuck with them forever. They are viewed as a pathetic football program.

Lose/lose is right.
Losing ISU would mean we have no cupcakes on our schedule.
The problem with Cowherd and the playoff rankings in general is that they should be independent of prior years as well as preseason rankings but that's not the case.

Ohio State is the team benefiting the most as the defending national championship and the unanimous #1 preseason team. Based on their strength of schedule and margin of victory and such, Ohio State would not be a top 4 team.
I may be of the minority, but with OSU being the reigning national champions, their recent conference unbeaten streak, and the fact the majority of their roster is back IMO until they are beat they belong in the top 4. Based on them being defending champions I think that's about the only exception I see for giving a team the benefit of doubt. In my opinion your the champion until your dethroned.
Someone should inform Cowherd that Baylor played Lamar this year (second game of their season) not Iowa. Lamar also put 31 points on the board against Baylor. Just sayin...

Ha I just thought he was making up crappy teams randomly. Is he really just confused after looking at Boylor's resume?
As I said cowhard is lazy trash...

I remember listening to him a few years ago and he was spouting off about something and had all his facts wrong. Just like he was naming teams that Iowa didn't play.

He is a hack who just talks really loud and boisterous to get attention.

If he is going to be opinionated that's fine... but at least have the professionalism to actually research what you are talking about.

He is really just pure trash.
With that performance, and obviously his name, I think he needs a red and gold cape to finish off his alter ego as a super hero

I find they play us tough every year. They are a tough matchup with their spread style. We just don't see that all that often in the Big Ten. I think it is beneficial for us to schedule them because it helps later on in the season or during bowl season when we run into teams with more that style. Overall, it is good game speed practice for our team.
This is ridiculous. Iowa does not need 7 home games each year and does not need to play 2 cupcakes every year. 1 cupcake a year is more than enough.

Last I checked Iowa was not selling out all its home games. Iowa could get the same total attendence if they averaged 70k a game for 6 home games against 6 decent opponents vs. getting 60k a game for 7 games.

The Iowa st game is popular and is good for the state, and I personally like playing Iowa St every year. There is no reason to get rid of that game.

You can still play 1 cupcake at home each year, and play 2 P5 teams ooc each year. You just need to have 7 home games 1 year and 6 home games the other year.

You average 6.5 home games a year and still get 2 P5 ooc opponents, including Iowa State each year and 1 other random P5 ooc opponent, and all it costs is 1 home game every 2 years compared to now.

So in summary, its not that big of deal to have play Iowa State every year.

This is one of the more clueless rants Ive read on here in a while.

How do you, define what Iowa "needs?" And why on earth would you be qualified to make that assessment?

So Iowa should put themselves at a disadvantage against the rest of the power 5 football world, who ALL but a few losers like ISU, play 7 home games?

Why the hell would we want to do that? Because some B itches like Cowherd are pissy because Iowas is winning? F them, I repeat, F them.

Obviously in the real world, (not the ESPN make believe world of propaganda), what Iowa has done with the schedule hasn't hurt us one bit but has infact worked perfectly. We are in a position to control our own destiny to make the playoff, the absolute ideal position, and you think we should change that? Brilliant.
Seven games a season is the standard. Why would you give up even 1 game at say 60,000 fans at $50 a pop? That is 3 Mil right there in revenue alone. Add on top of that concession and parking.

The impact on the city and county would be huge by losing a home game. The economic impact of a single Iowa home game is estimated to be 16 Million dollars. Why in God's green earth would the Hawks eliminate a home game?

The projected economic impact of one Iowa football game on Johnson County is more than $16 million

The projected economic impact of one seven-game season on Johnson County is more than $110 million

Well Dean, apparently this guy has decided Iowa doesn't need it. LOL.
It does not matter what Iowa thinks it "needs" It would be like me telling my boss I need to be paid $1M a year and also I need to be given easier things to do. My boss would just laugh at me.

The whole idea that BigTen teams need 7 or 8 home games a year, and play an FCS team every year, etc. is a fairly new one. It has really only been around since only 2002 when teams started to play 12 games. The BigTen recognized this had become a problem, which is part of the reason that the BigTen went to 9 conference games and got rid of the FCS game. There was recognigtion BigTen teams were playing crappy schedules that were not really fan friendly and the conference needed to fix it as a whole.

Building on that spirit that you need to have a schedule that fans like, you don't drop Iowa St from the schedule. Fans like that game. Its games like North Texas that need to be reduced.

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