Cowherd's right, and Iowa State is the problem.


Well-Known Member
Surprised no one has mentioned this to him. We need those extra home games for economic reasons, and it will be even worse when we go to the 9 game conference schedule. So we can't do those extra home and homes.

The problem here is Iowa State. They are our only open spot for a "marquee" home and home matchup.

Unfortunately, we are stuck with them forever. They are viewed as a pathetic football program.

Lose/lose is right.
It's an instate rivalry game that we could live without, and someday may. It hurts our sos this year (most years), but it also could/would be replaced with a Mac or directional school where we would/could be no better off. We still are playing 2 P5 ooc games when most schools are playing only 1 or often none. Sounds like he is just fishing for these tidbits just to get under his listener's skin, to get a rise out of the peeps he knows will call in and increase his ratings.
I wouldn't mind if we kept them on and did a neutral site game every year, or play them twice every 4 years and the other 2 years do a H/A with another power 5
This is ridiculous. Iowa does not need 7 home games each year and does not need to play 2 cupcakes every year. 1 cupcake a year is more than enough.

Last I checked Iowa was not selling out all its home games. Iowa could get the same total attendence if they averaged 70k a game for 6 home games against 6 decent opponents vs. getting 60k a game for 7 games.

The Iowa st game is popular and is good for the state, and I personally like playing Iowa St every year. There is no reason to get rid of that game.

You can still play 1 cupcake at home each year, and play 2 P5 teams ooc each year. You just need to have 7 home games 1 year and 6 home games the other year.

You average 6.5 home games a year and still get 2 P5 ooc opponents, including Iowa State each year and 1 other random P5 ooc opponent, and all it costs is 1 home game every 2 years compared to now.

So in summary, its not that big of deal to have play Iowa State every year.
I don't mind the rivalry/game, but if it is keeping us from a better matchup each year, then dump em, cause beating them does us no good.
If we are going to play a crap school every year, I say we play a crap school that isn't going to play like Alabama that one game a year.
Or if we do continue to play yearly, it's no longer a home and home. When the series was started the first four were played in Iowa City. I say we go back to something similar... 2 yrs in IC, 1 in lames. If they don't like it, they can suck it.
If we are going to play a crap school every year, I say we play a crap school that isn't going to play like Alabama that one game a year.

Agreed. I prefer not to call it their Super Bowl, but history clearly shows they play way above their heads during that game pretty much every season. It's not even debatable. Steele freakin Jantz played like Joe Montana in his one start against us.
Agreed. I prefer not to call it their Super Bowl, but history clearly shows they play way above their heads during that game pretty much every season. It's not even debatable. Steele freakin Jantz played like Joe Montana in his one start against us.

I would say it's like playing a fringe top 25 team but only getting credit for playing one of the worst programs in the hostory of the sport.
This is ridiculous. Iowa does not need 7 home games each year and does not need to play 2 cupcakes every year. 1 cupcake a year is more than enough.

Last I checked Iowa was not selling out all its home games. Iowa could get the same total attendence if they averaged 70k a game for 6 home games against 6 decent opponents vs. getting 60k a game for 7 games.

The Iowa st game is popular and is good for the state, and I personally like playing Iowa St every year. There is no reason to get rid of that game.

You can still play 1 cupcake at home each year, and play 2 P5 teams ooc each year. You just need to have 7 home games 1 year and 6 home games the other year.

You average 6.5 home games a year and still get 2 P5 ooc opponents, including Iowa State each year and 1 other random P5 ooc opponent, and all it costs is 1 home game every 2 years compared to now.

So in summary, its not that big of deal to have play Iowa State every year.

Seven games a season is the standard. Why would you give up even 1 game at say 60,000 fans at $50 a pop? That is 3 Mil right there in revenue alone. Add on top of that concession and parking.

The impact on the city and county would be huge by losing a home game. The economic impact of a single Iowa home game is estimated to be 16 Million dollars. Why in God's green earth would the Hawks eliminate a home game?

The projected economic impact of one Iowa football game on Johnson County is more than $16 million

The projected economic impact of one seven-game season on Johnson County is more than $110 million
Yeah some guy that probably hasn't watched 1 Iowa game in his life knows what's best for Iowa.

I see why Cowherd has a job.

His BS snatches up some people.
"Coward" is wrong. Has Baylor played anyone good yet. No. Alabama has three nobodies on their schedule and played Wisconsin which as we know is from the "sucky" BIG West. So their non-conference schedule sucks. I want to see us play the Clones every year and beat the crap out of them like we used to.
"Coward" is wrong. Has Baylor played anyone good yet. No. Alabama has three nobodies on their schedule and played Wisconsin which as we know is from the "sucky" BIG West. So their non-conference schedule sucks. I want to see us play the Clones every year and beat the crap out of them like we used to.

That's another layer of lovely double standard. Alabama's win over Wiscy on a "neutral" field is a quality win. Our win at Camp Randall is insignificant.
Seven games a season is the standard. Why would you give up even 1 game at say 60,000 fans at $50 a pop? That is 3 Mil right there in revenue alone. Add on top of that concession and parking.

The impact on the city and county would be huge by losing a home game. The economic impact of a single Iowa home game is estimated to be 16 Million dollars. Why in God's green earth would the Hawks eliminate a home game?

The projected economic impact of one Iowa football game on Johnson County is more than $16 million

The projected economic impact of one seven-game season on Johnson County is more than $110 million

Quality over quantity. By sacrificing 1 home game every 2 years, which by your count costs Iowa City $16M every 2 years or $8 per year, you have just added a P5 opponent every year, which helps the Big Ten's tv deal and tv ratings. Plus by keeping the ISU game on the schedule you just made Ames $16M every 2 years. That's good for the state of Iowa right?

Plus its not like all businesses shut down in Iowa city when there is a road game. bars can still show the games on tv throughout the state. hotels can host a wedding party instead of football fans.

plus because those 60k fans that don't go to the extra cupcake game every 2 years, might end up in resulting in an extra 5K at the other 13 home games in 2 years, so thats an extra 65K fans at the other games, making up for the lost ticket revenue from the lost cupcake game. plus Iowa needs to pay those cupcakes to come play those 1 and done deals, which is why they are called buy games. That cuts into the net gain too.
This isn't NCAA basketball... there isn't any glaring need to schedule some ultra hard opponent in the non-con.

In b-ball you can schedule 3-4 tough opponents in the non cn... you win 1 of them and you accomplished something.

Can't afford losses really in the non con... not when you play in one of the major conferences - especially if you are not a blue blood program.
Quality over quantity. By sacrificing 1 home game every 2 years, which by your count costs Iowa City $16M every 2 years or $8 per year, you have just added a P5 opponent every year, which helps the Big Ten's tv deal and tv ratings. Plus by keeping the ISU game on the schedule you just made Ames $16M every 2 years. That's good for the state of Iowa right?

Plus its not like all businesses shut down in Iowa city when there is a road game. bars can still show the games on tv throughout the state. hotels can host a wedding party instead of football fans.

plus because those 60k fans that don't go to the extra cupcake game every 2 years, might end up in resulting in an extra 5K at the other 13 home games in 2 years, so thats an extra 65K fans at the other games, making up for the lost ticket revenue from the lost cupcake game. plus Iowa needs to pay those cupcakes to come play those 1 and done deals, which is why they are called buy games. That cuts into the net gain too.

You make no sense at all. You are saying that by giving up 1 home game every two years would bring in MORE attendance to the other 13 games? How does that logic work? If you avg. 60,000 a game for 7 games why would 65,000 show up per game if you only had 1 less game? Plus you just schedule ISU at home for the years you play 4 B1G home games, and then play ISU + 2 other teams at home. That is playing 10 P5 teams a year, nobody plays that many let alone MORE. In the years you have 5 B1G home games, you play ISU on the road and schedule 2 other teams for Kinnick that year.

The worst part of your logic is B1G TV deals aren't negotiated over 1 Iowa home game. Plus I don't think you know how this works. The networks want more content, not less. If Iowa plays an away game, the B1G doesn't get those rights to televise that game. That is why when Iowa plays in LAmes the game is on Foxsports 1 or some such dumb azz network. If all the teams went to 6 game home schedules, the B1G network would have less content and would pay less monies to the school.

There is a reason that most every P5 teams plays a 7 game home schedule. Go look up everyones schedule when we go to 9 conference games. If they have only 4 home conference games, they will have 3 non con home games. Michigan has 8 home games next year, OSU 7 + a neutral site game, MSU 7, Nebraska 8, Iowa 7, etc.
Iowas SOS has nothing to do with OOC opponents this year. It has everything to do with our B10 schedule. If we had Mich or MSU instead of MD or IN, not a word would be said about our non conference.

Not every team schedules 2 power 5 games home and away year in and year out. Once again, Iowa does not take 2 for 1 home deals. We could call Alabama every day and they would not set up a series on fair or economically feasible terms with us.

The B10 and other major conferences could help things out by contracting fair matchup deals. Imagine the Pac12, B10 and ACC contract a fair 3 way deal pushing out the SEC and Notre Dame...

Iowa's schedule next year might include Utah and At NC. That would leave the Bama's, ND's and Baylors of the world some scheduling issues.
ISUck might get dumped when we move to 9 conference games, unless they're willing to schedule us in such a manner that we are guaranteed 7 home games per season. No way Iowa gives up the revenue of a home game.