couldn't help it (response I had and when I came to...liked it...)


Well-Known Member
O M F G. I know every board gets negative after a tough loss, not to mention a rivalry loss in which your team played their second consecutive game that was tough to watch execution-wise. But there are about 5-6 Regular posters on here that are beyond comprehension. "everything sucks, why can't we recruit, KF is a relic, where's the accountability?, we need to make wholesale changes!, KF overpaid, Soup is dissappointing...."

is there Anything that is decent about our favorite football team? Do we have any good coaches, players, playcalling, talent, Anything? not according to 10 "regular" posters....over and over and over.

I shouldn't follow this board for 3-4 days after a loss, i know i shouldn't. My own damn fault....pithy "smart" response expected

The pure, unadulterated, whoa is us, unconsolable, b!itchfest that is the board is beyond measure.

I'm a gold-color glassed, homer, kool aid drinking, over optimistic, glass half full, hope against hope, actually likes KF emotional control, did I say homer?....Hawkeye Fan - who is also frustrated and upset at the performances thus far. Not happy with all the calls, with all the coaching, with the execution.

I just don't think the constant, repetitive, incessant complaining on the board with change a darn thing

I am 36, maybe I am just not built for the age of overexposure to the cyber-masses.

I think I am going to start a thread with this...feeling a little insipid today.
Ditto. I come here for news and the analysis from some of the more informed posters. It's quite tedious to sift through all of the complaining from the sky is falling crowd after a loss. I wonder if this is unique to our fan base.
The negative complainers have as much right to express their feelings here as the Ferrets koolaid-drinkers.
Diversity of opinion: get used to it.
Positive things...

1) They have good colors (once they get back to their traditional garb)
2) The defense played very well, holding a dual threat QB in check for most of the game
3) Vandy did a good job of getting rid of the ball instead of taking a sack (as opposed to the 6 vs NIU)
4) The weather was wonderful at Kinnick

more later if I can think of some...
Fair enough, you and Scorp are both correct. although I don't think I am quite as ridiculous...point taken....

Didn't mean that to be so harsh; so my apologies. I've tried to stay away from the board as well as I'm still p*ssed and know I won't contribute much more than b*tching. I can appreciate how you're able to stay positive through all of this. Cheers.
O M F G. I know every board gets negative after a tough loss, not to mention a rivalry loss in which your team played their second consecutive game that was tough to watch execution-wise. But there are about 5-6 Regular posters on here that are beyond comprehension. "everything sucks, why can't we recruit, KF is a relic, where's the accountability?, we need to make wholesale changes!, KF overpaid, Soup is dissappointing...."

is there Anything that is decent about our favorite football team? Do we have any good coaches, players, playcalling, talent, Anything? not according to 10 "regular" posters....over and over and over.

I shouldn't follow this board for 3-4 days after a loss, i know i shouldn't. My own damn fault....pithy "smart" response expected

The pure, unadulterated, whoa is us, unconsolable, b!itchfest that is the board is beyond measure.

I'm a gold-color glassed, homer, kool aid drinking, over optimistic, glass half full, hope against hope, actually likes KF emotional control, did I say homer?....Hawkeye Fan - who is also frustrated and upset at the performances thus far. Not happy with all the calls, with all the coaching, with the execution.

I just don't think the constant, repetitive, incessant complaining on the board with change a darn thing

I am 36, maybe I am just not built for the age of overexposure to the cyber-masses.

I think I am going to start a thread with this...feeling a little insipid today.

O M F G. I know every board gets negative after a tough loss, not to mention a rivalry loss in which your team played their second consecutive game that was tough to watch execution-wise. But there are about 5-6 Regular posters on here that are beyond comprehension. "everything sucks, why can't we recruit, KF is a relic, where's the accountability?, we need to make wholesale changes!, KF overpaid, Soup is dissappointing...."

is there Anything that is decent about our favorite football team? Do we have any good coaches, players, playcalling, talent, Anything? not according to 10 "regular" posters....over and over and over.

I shouldn't follow this board for 3-4 days after a loss, i know i shouldn't. My own damn fault....pithy "smart" response expected

The pure, unadulterated, whoa is us, unconsolable, b!itchfest that is the board is beyond measure.

I'm a gold-color glassed, homer, kool aid drinking, over optimistic, glass half full, hope against hope, actually likes KF emotional control, did I say homer?....Hawkeye Fan - who is also frustrated and upset at the performances thus far. Not happy with all the calls, with all the coaching, with the execution.

I just don't think the constant, repetitive, incessant complaining on the board with change a darn thing

I am 36, maybe I am just not built for the age of overexposure to the cyber-masses.

I think I am going to start a thread with this...feeling a little insipid today.

I approve this message.
I agree. I ignore the flame-ish posters, and a lot of this week's threads are half filled by posts by them. It does make reading go faster.

I heartily recommend the ignore feature.

-The team is incredibly young. They will improve throughout the year, and probably will be much better in the next two years.
-The recruiting has picked up since 2010, and appears to be gaining steam. Since then, we're recruiting better than the likes of Wisconsin.
-The new schemes can work. I've seen several variants of the failed plays (drops, bad timing) succeed wildly in the past few days in NFL games.
-The new coaches will get the players they want in the system, and they'll settle in.
-The defense has been surprisingly resilient.
-The special teams have been solid.

The head scratchers:

-Our senior QB is channeling the spirit of Jake Christiansen.
-Our receivers drop a lot of passes.
-Our offense, despite having some pretty good players (and go-to options) can't find their *** with both hands...yet.
Given how good the defense has looked, and JVB's success last year, its not crazy to think the team can pull things together and be solid. 2013 and 2014 should have a higher talent level.

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