could these 100 squat

A minor strain of a knee ligament is not going to make it more likely to tear six months later. If you are going to do the kind of damage to a joint while lifting that you are talking about, you will know it then. Not wait six months to find out.

You may know it when it happens but it doesnt stop you and you keep pushing it.
I know this 1st hand.
Suppose you have a minor strain of a tendon or ligament. Its hard to diagnose because of the extreme soreness associated with the work outs.
You work thru it and deal with the soreness as part of the program of playing college sports. It never heals properly because you never allowed it to. Then 1 good hit finishes it off, even if its 6 months after the fact.
I'm not surprised you didnt read my post carefully. Your interpretation of muscle fatigue meaning the same as structural damage, tells me a lot.

Next question or accusation? Anyone?
I'll spend all day educating anyone that wants to jump in my bunk, like I dont have a clue what I am talking about.

I can agree with you..always wondered myself..overtraining isn't a fancy word but an actual medical condition that leads to the opposite of what you're trying to achieve ..never played college ball so just conjecture on my part on what a typical off season workout program consists of..would like to think they give time to heal and repair before season starts..I have a leg workout I do once every three weeks that consists of
6 sets 60 reps total squats
4 supersets leg press/leg extensions 70 reps total
4 sets Romanian deadlifts 48 reps
4 sets leg curls 40 reps
It's a killer for me..( a believer in the bodybuilder who said (Platz I think) that when you do legs your life should pass before your eyes)

that's every three weeks ..any more often than that and I would be in serious overtraining mode
work outs be the culprit behind all of the lower leg injuries our players end up with?
Especially the RBs?
Lots of ACLs, ankle sprains, etc...
I always thought we had more than most programs. Seriously, how many other programs can you name that have gone thru 4 RBs in one season?
How is it Tony Moeaki cant make it thru 1 season at Iowa but he can make it thru a whole season in the NFL?

How come Bob Sanders made it through his college career mostly healthy if I remember right, but can't stay healthy in the NFL? Must be the Colts' rigorous work out program?

It's coincidence, in other words, and bad luck that players get injured in college but not as much in the NFL or vice versa.
I can agree with you..always wondered myself..overtraining isn't a fancy word but an actual medical condition that leads to the opposite of what you're trying to achieve ..never played college ball so just conjecture on my part on what a typical off season workout program consists of..would like to think they give time to heal and repair before season starts..I have a leg workout I do once every three weeks that consists of
6 sets 60 reps total squats
4 supersets leg press/leg extensions 70 reps total
4 sets Romanian deadlifts 48 reps
4 sets leg curls 40 reps
It's a killer for me..( a believer in the bodybuilder who said (Platz I think) that when you do legs your life should pass before your eyes)

that's every three weeks ..any more often than that and I would be in serious overtraining mode

Is that all in the same session? If so, how much are you squating, 60 times?
Explain, if you will, what your legs typically do, towards the tail end of that work out.
lightning1;3500 I see an awful lot of smart remarks from posters and very little knowledge of weight training. Anyone want to have this debate? Bring it.[/QUOTE said:
I can 100% guarantee that your knowledge of weight training far exceeds mine. But I'm still willing to bring it. I'll start with a question for you:

Do you think you have any knowledge of weight training (and its impact on the body) that the Iowa S&C coaches or trainers are not aware of?
yes and being 44 y.o. I don't squat the 400 I used to I pyramid and peak at 250 on squat 480 on leg press..legs go rubbery..lying in bed at night legs are burning..not in bad way..sweet pain kinda
I'll spend all day educating anyone that wants to jump in my bunk, like I dont have a clue what I am talking about.

I think the solution is obvious.

Challenge coach Doyle to a duel. Mano y mano. Winner is the new strength and conditioning coach. :rolleyes:
How come Bob Sanders made it through his college career mostly healthy if I remember right, but can't stay healthy in the NFL? Must be the Colts' rigorous work out program?

It's coincidence, in other words, and bad luck that players get injured in college but not as much in the NFL or vice versa.

Everybody's different, thats why only 12 of the 110 players ended up in the hospital.

Lets count the number of Iowa RBs that have had torn ACLs, shall we?
Anyone that remembers some that I forgot, please add.

Jewel Hampton
Jewel Hampton
Albert Young
Jermelle Lewis
Jermelle Lewis
AJ Johnson
Champ Davis
Marques Simmons (not 100% sure)
Marcus Schnoor
AAron Greving (multiple injury probs)
Thats an awful lot of bad luck. I wont even get into O-linemen.
I can 100% guarantee that your knowledge of weight training far exceeds mine. But I'm still willing to bring it. I'll start with a question for you:

Do you think you have any knowledge of weight training (and its impact on the body) that the Iowa S&C coaches or trainers are not aware of?

Absolutely not. But it is their jobs to make these guys stronger and faster.
To push these guys farther than most people could tolerate.
Sometimes things can go too far.
Need I list all of the life threatening injuries sustained in the presence of the best paid medical staffs that pro sports can provide?
yes and being 44 y.o. I don't squat the 400 I used to I pyramid and peak at 250 on squat 480 on leg press..legs go rubbery..lying in bed at night legs are burning..not in bad way..sweet pain kinda

Thats an impressive work out for your age. I dont mind the pain it brings either. Thats the dangerous part. I have played thru injuries and my pain tolerance is much higher than most.
I am paying for it in my older age.
OK, Name 1 other D-1 football program that had 4 RBs with torn ACLs in the same season.
There are 12 players in the hospital. Its never silly to ask these kinds of questions.

YOU are the one raising the questions. Why should I have to do your leg work?
YOU are the one raising the questions. Why should I have to do your leg work?

Because you cant!
I only say that because I know I cant name one.
You have to admit, its a landslide of leg injuries that we suffer from year to year.
It may have nothing to do with these squat sets but it is a valid question.
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Its not rocket science. Its called over-training. Its something that most college athletes choose to do.
Its the S and C staff's job to see that they dont end up hurt. Why are you guys so surprised that people start asking questions when they fail at their jobs?

BD Oil execs know way more about deep water oil drilling than I ever will. But I dont need to be an oil rig expert to know there were mistakes made in the Gulf.
Is that your reasoning? Should we trust the experts, even when things go wrong?
Are they above reproach?
Thats an impressive work out for your age. I dont mind the pain it brings either. Thats the dangerous part. I have played thru injuries and my pain tolerance is much higher than most.
I am paying for it in my older age.

I tried squatting heavier but ended up with tendon and ligament pain..this more rep lighter weight has my joints feeling like I'm in my twenties again..and thank you..lifted alot into my late married and quit for 12 years..turned 40 and decided I could go to hell or see what I could do at an older age..having a the leg workout from

Leg Growth Workout - 3 Week Cycle | Muscle & Strength
I tried squatting heavier but ended up with tendon and ligament pain..this more rep lighter weight has my joints feeling like I'm in my twenties again..and thank you..lifted alot into my late married and quit for 12 years..turned 40 and decided I could go to hell or see what I could do at an older age..having a the leg workout from

Leg Growth Workout - 3 Week Cycle | Muscle & Strength

I dont do heavy leg lifting anymore. Takes too long to recover. I got on the sled and did a set with a little over 600 lbs, just to prove a point to my buddy. My achilles hurt for a few weeks after that. Getting old sucks.
Everybody's different, thats why only 12 of the 110 players ended up in the hospital.

Lets count the number of Iowa RBs that have had torn ACLs, shall we?
Anyone that remembers some that I forgot, please add.

Jewel Hampton
Jewel Hampton
Albert Young
Jermelle Lewis
Jermelle Lewis
AJ Johnson
Champ Davis
Marques Simmons (not 100% sure)
Marcus Schnoor
AAron Greving (multiple injury probs)
Thats an awful lot of bad luck. I wont even get into O-linemen.

Okay I'll jump in your bunk, but I'll be gentle with you :) - AJ Johnson, Greving and Simmons never tore their ACL.
i've torn my acl twice playing football. as cobri66 said, an imbalance of quad to hamstring can lead a greater chance of tearing it. heard that from Dr. Albright at UIHC and the other orthopedic surgeon who fixed my knee.

for some people, it's a freak accident. for me, i got it blown out willis mcgahee sytle. i am sure some people, due to their knee structure, biochemistry, etc are more likely to tear it. seems like running backs sure put a lot more stress on the ligament due to making cuts, stopping.

we have seemed to have quite a few - but to be honest, don't follow other programs as close.

also - in line with your thinking - since we get the under-rated/ blue collar types, perhaps they naturally have to work harder to put on the muscle, they don't have the god given frame of some other schools? some people are supposed to be 250 lbs, some are not.
Okay I'll jump in your bunk, but I'll be gentle with you :) - AJ Johnson, Greving and Simmons never tore their ACL.

Pretty sure AJ tore his ACL. Wasnt sure about Simmons. Greving had a series of nagging injuries, if I recall. (Ankle and shoulder)

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