Could Barta force KF's hand?

Only thing Barta is could do as Ferentz's boss, is to meddle.
Then again, he probably can't, as Barta probably gave that option away in the contract.

Here's KF's hand.....can anyone beat that right now?

or maybe it's like this....

The OP's suggested course of action simply isn't realistic for, among others, the following reasons:

(1) If KF is forced out, Barta has admitted to making a $17,000,000 (or whatever the buyout number is) mistake. That is a big mistake and he will do everything he can not to admit that he made it. That is why he needs a mutual agreement.

(2) Barta is already in the news for the field hockey coach fiasco. For the sake of his career, he doesn't need to create more doubt as to competency.

(3) Strangling the program will be seen as bad faith and will certainly result in some sort of settlement paid to KF as he will have a strong case that he is owed his buyout even if he resigns at that point. A "constructive termination" and/or bad faith argument is not far fetched in this scenario.

(4) At the end of the day, Barta and KF are seen as co-authors of the current state of the program. If Barta wants to untie his career from KF's fate, he would need to actively terminate KF.
If someone had asked this last week, I'd have laughed at the thought of Barta having any control over KF. The backlash that came after the bowl game seems very different from what we have seen in the Ferentz era though. There is undeniable heat and it's coming from the average fan, not just message board fanatics (including myself). If Barta needed any kind of push to exert control, he has it in spades right now.

In the end, I hope we start over with a new AD and a plan that allows KF to "retire" respectfully and quickly. There's no way Barta makes a good hire with the next coach.

Here's KF's hand.....can anyone beat that right now?

or maybe it's like this....


Barta holds a royal flush...which beats Kirk's 4 aces....but since he doesn't have at least a pair, he probably thinks he doesn't have anything and will fold.
Sitting here daydreaming........ Barta goes out and finds Kirks replacement and fires Davis as the OC and tells the new OC that he will be Kirks replacement once Kirk is gone. Barta then calls a joint meeting with the new OC and Kirk. He tells Kirk in that meeting that from now on the OC calls all the shots offensively and that Kirk has no say over it at all. That includes all aspects of deciding when to punt or kicking field goals. Kirk is not to recruit anyone anymore just greet the prospective recruits. He could even hire a new DC and tell the new DC that Kirk has absolutely no say in the defense or recruiting. Kirk ask what he is suppose to do and Gary tells him you can stand on the sideline and chew bubble gum for the next six years or leave on your own......... Yawn......waking up from my daydream....... Maybe I will win the lottery too.

I'd stand on the sidelines and chew gum for three million dollars a year. I'd stand on the sidelines and chew gum just to watch the game.
-------If it worked and it forced KF to resign, we would have a difficult time finding a great coach who would want to work for an AD who did that.

This is a VERY tired excuse that I've heard for years now. ALL coaches know the deal...impatient schools fire coaches 2 and 3x quicker than Iowa ever thinks about, and they still get decent replacements. Was Harbaugh worried about how quick Hoke got the ax? Any decent coach looking at the record of KF for the last 4 years could reason that Iowa has been MORE than fair and patient.
Agreed. Lets look at some key points here:
#1. What coach wouldn't want to work for an AD that just gave the previous coach a 10 year guaranteed contract for 4 million per year?
#2. That same AD gave that same coach 5 years worth of opportunity to win games and he didn't get it done.
#3. All of the facilities are in place and a passionate fan base that shows considerable support.
So, I could see how that would be a tough sell for coaching candidates:rolleyes:
Why are we even having this discussion again....and particularly since we finished 8-4 KF gets his huge bonus AND more importantly meets Barta's high 7-5 threshold to keep the gravy train rolling in. BARTA gave this turkey an extension! ONe of the best I've ever seen in modern history. 5 bowl losses in a row Gary and NO conference championships in the last 10 years good job with that pay raise.
Laughable... these two are working together and not on behalf of the fans or University. That ridiculous one sided contract extension is all you need to know about Bartas loyalties.
You guys are looking at this in the totally wrong way.

First of all, Gary Barta is in no way, shape, or form Kirk Ferentz's boss. Period. At all.

Ferentz rules the roost 100% and Barta is the puppet who gets to do interviews and tours of the new facility. He is there for a public face and to be a fall guy for the U if shit hits the fan somehow, like with the women's field hockey program. I suggest looking at his salary via the DM Register site and comparing it to the Iowa football staff.

You guys need to understand that at this level of football, the people in charge are boosters and donors, not Barta or any other administration. You can dance around the subject and spin it any way you want but it's the truth. There are mega millions being pumped into all of these big P5 programs by boosters and they call the shots. This is not unique to Iowa by any stretch. Ferentz is the guy that the boosters want at the helm, and as long as KF maintains his clean program so it will be. You guys can flame me to death, but the simple fact is that Gary Barta has ZERO to do with the football program. Baseball, swimming, golf, etc? Those are the toys he gets to play with. Men's basketball and football, those are hands off, Gare Bear.

Here's news for you, Barta didn't approve that contract or its extension. A whole bunch of extremely rich lawyers, bankers, doctors, and farmers did. If you think any different then I'm sorry that you were born such a dumbass. I have some land in Canada for sale if you're interested.
"Gary, seriously, have you been reading those internet boards again?"

Plus +...everything will be KF no matter who else is on the staff...clean up the Florida game plan...all good!

Plus ++...delusional, grandiose people don't respond well to logic.
You guys are looking at this in the totally wrong way.

First of all, Gary Barta is in no way, shape, or form Kirk Ferentz's boss. Period. At all.

Ferentz rules the roost 100% and Barta is the puppet who gets to do interviews and tours of the new facility. He is there for a public face and to be a fall guy for the U if shit hits the fan somehow, like with the women's field hockey program. I suggest looking at his salary via the DM Register site and comparing it to the Iowa football staff.

You guys need to understand that at this level of football, the people in charge are boosters and donors, not Barta or any other administration. You can dance around the subject and spin it any way you want but it's the truth. There are mega millions being pumped into all of these big P5 programs by boosters and they call the shots. This is not unique to Iowa by any stretch. Ferentz is the guy that the boosters want at the helm, and as long as KF maintains his clean program so it will be. You guys can flame me to death, but the simple fact is that Gary Barta has ZERO to do with the football program. Baseball, swimming, golf, etc? Those are the toys he gets to play with. Men's basketball and football, those are hands off, Gare Bear.

Here's news for you, Barta didn't approve that contract or its extension. A whole bunch of extremely rich lawyers, bankers, doctors, and farmers did. If you think any different then I'm sorry that you were born such a dumbass. I have some land in Canada for sale if you're interested.
Ding ding we have a BINGO. Barta has no pull. None that he could use without hanging himself with. The only way I think Barta could meddle with assistant coaches would be if there were a discipline issue or nepotism. And in both of those types of cases KF would have final say too as we all know... When Brian was hired supposedly I think Barta was who he was hired by/answers to. But to think that is how it actually goes is pretty naïve...