
I'll let the post stand as an example of what will get you a two week ban for the first offense.

There will be no disparaging comments like this about Iowa's student athletes.

Jon Miller WOW! Drop the Hammer!
This is what you get when the long arm of the law reaches out and chokes you!

Nice Job Jon!
Seems I am reading a lot of comments on him not fitting new system etc..

I would just like to say I think this kid has great upside and the best post hands and touch I have seen on any Iowa center in a long time. People forget most bigs need a few years to develope and most Iowa centers didn't really florish until the were Juniors or even seniors.

I hope the people that are calling for him to transfer don't get there short sighted way....
He is a hawkeye and God love him. However, in an uptempo style bigs with his lack of speed will not see the floor much. When watching him play he has good hands, quick snap on the outlet, his jumping ability is severely limited, he has bird legs for a big guy, no fast twitch muscle at all. He really struggles gettin down the court. He can't lift his knees up to get any speed going.
Cougill will need to work hard on his conditioning and redevelop his body to fit the style. I didnt see any instances of good upper bady strength, as he too often was trying to defend with his hands and not his feet and body. So, first he he may need to shed some weight and get much better aerobic conditioning, then he can work on strength, from his core and lower (for positioning), to upper to complete the package. To say he is a good rebounder or defender is too early, as I think his conditioning didnt help him and to be fair, if his back was pretty messed up, then working out to get into condition would have been quite difficult. The nice thing is that he is young and has time to work and develop, so lets hope he does. With a new coach who will change up defenses, some of those Ds may fit his abilities better too.
He is a hawkeye and God love him. However, in an uptempo style bigs with his lack of speed will not see the floor much. When watching him play he has good hands, quick snap on the outlet, his jumping ability is severely limited, he has bird legs for a big guy, no fast twitch muscle at all. He really struggles gettin down the court. He can't lift his knees up to get any speed going.

This is very wrong on many levels. Cougs is not the quickest guy on the team and hes not an explosive leaper. He does undertand how to fill lanes, he catches the ball very well in traffic, and he gets the ball up on the rim/glass well.

Go back and watch a few of the early games when we actually ran a bit.

No one is ever going to mistake cougill for Dwigh Howard but to say he won't see much playing time/won't be effective in this system is at the very least premature and IMO completely false.
Yeah, but we also shouldn't confuse him with Jepsen and Lohaus. Those guys have about 4 inches on Cougs. If he had more spring that might not be as much an issue.

He is a relative big man with great hands, a nice shot, is a good passer, and has exteme limitations with running and jumping.
This is very wrong on many levels. Cougs is not the quickest guy on the team and hes not an explosive leaper. He does undertand how to fill lanes, he catches the ball very well in traffic, and he gets the ball up on the rim/glass well.

Go back and watch a few of the early games when we actually ran a bit.

No one is ever going to mistake cougill for Dwigh Howard but to say he won't see much playing time/won't be effective in this system is at the very least premature and IMO completely false.
He can't jump at all basically and I watch every game from a critical coaching perspective. When teams fastbreak filling lanes are not something you want your bigs want them flying down the middle looking to score. Completely false we don't know...but I will promise one thing he sees the floor VERY LITTLE>
Cougill reminds me of a certain player from Oklahoma State named Big Country....he was not the fastest player, but as he developed, he became a beast on the inside and kept up with a fairly fast tempo team.

Before someone jumps all over this one...I realize Cougill has a long way to go to equal Big Country, but he has the size and his three point range is an added bonus that Big Country did not have...

He will be fine and will develop better than most on here give him credit for...
He can't jump at all basically and I watch every game from a critical coaching perspective. When teams fastbreak filling lanes are not something you want your bigs want them flying down the middle looking to score. Completely false we don't know...but I will promise one thing he sees the floor VERY LITTLE>

I've played a lot of basketball in my life, and I've played for several different coaches (including one in the IHSAA hall of fame). And without exception all of them taught big men to "trail" and "fill lanes" when running the break.

Your job as a big man is to secure the rebound, outlet to a guard on the wing, and bust *** to the rim and become part of the secondary break. You don't need to be incredibly atheltic to do this. You need to hustle and to have good hands. Cougs has the latter for sure (the jury is out on how hard he wants to work).

If he wants to see the floor and is willing and physically able (I know he has a back issue) to put in the kind of work required to change his body a little bit I have zero doubts he can be effective in that kind of offense.

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