Cordell Pemsl Talked Today About His Recent Suspension

It was selfish act. He knew better and still elected to disregard it. Yes, they’ll forgive him (it doesn’t matter if we do) but it was still selfish. He shouldn’t have put his teammates in a position of having to forgive him. It may have cost them the IU game.
Immaturity. I know I had it in bucket loads at that age. My wife says I still do.

On another note, I can't stand the phrase, "That's not me." Oh, yes it is.

And that's not just for Cordell, I'm talking about people saying that every time they screw up. You f'd up. Admit it, ask for forgiveness and do better. But don't give us the 'ol "That's not me," BS.

/End rant.
Immaturity. I know I had it in bucket loads at that age. My wife says I still do.

On another note, I can't stand the phrase, "That's not me." Oh, yes it is.

And that's not just for Cordell, I'm talking about people saying that every time they screw up. You f'd up. Admit it, ask for forgiveness and do better. But don't give us the 'ol "That's not me," BS.

/End rant.
Especially when you know damn well his car didnt just sut there for 5 months before he decided to go to McDonald's. It was him when he drove and didn't get caught and it was him when he finally did get caught.
Especially when you know damn well his car didnt just sut there for 5 months before he decided to go to McDonald's. It was him when he drove and didn't get caught and it was him when he finally did get caught.

Exactly. I guarantee you it wasn't just dumb luck that the very first time he decided to drive, he got caught.

And I whole heartedly agree with the poster who hates the phrase "That's not me". We are the sum total of the choices we make. So yes, that is do better and be better.
He made a mistake, in the grand scheme of things, this is a fairly minor mistake. Driving drunk was way worse obviously and not following his punishment for doing so just re-opened the wound. It was selfish, he admits it, he's sorry and his teammates have picked him up cause that's what friends do. If you don't do that for your friends, you likely don't have any. He could have cost us a game for sure, but his team has forgiven him for that, so that's no longer an issue or concern for him, only moving forward is.
I got some blowback on Twitter for asking the questions. I get that people want to move on. But this was the first time we had to talk to him about it and I thought he handled himself well. I like Cordell. I made a lot of dumb decision in my 20s. I still make some dumb ones.

You've gotta ask these questions, it's your job, Cordell is a public figure on a team you cover. If you weren't asking the questions you'd have another camp that is saying "Rob, you softy, can't get your creds pulled so you're throwing him softballs, grill him on why he's so irresponsible" It's a tougher part of your job as far as interaction with coaches and players I imagine, but one that both they and you know has to be done.
I got some blowback on Twitter for asking the questions. I get that people want to move on. But this was the first time we had to talk to him about it and I thought he handled himself well. I like Cordell. I made a lot of dumb decision in my 20s. I still make some dumb ones.
I like the way you asked it, though. "What was last week like for you?" That was well done by you.
"That's not me" is an expression of regret for falling back into the worst version of yourself, which we can all do from time to time. Life's tough some times and we can all do stupid things.

Exactly, we're all human and do stupid shit. But because we ARE human, then our stupid shit is "us". So to say "that's not me" isn't accurate at all and is more of an excuse than anything. The way to handle those times is just to flat out own it, admit you were an idiot, and move on and try to do better.
He made a mistake, in the grand scheme of things, this is a fairly minor mistake. Driving drunk was way worse obviously and not following his punishment for doing so just re-opened the wound. It was selfish, he admits it, he's sorry and his teammates have picked him up cause that's what friends do. If you don't do that for your friends, you likely don't have any. He could have cost us a game for sure, but his team has forgiven him for that, so that's no longer an issue or concern for him, only moving forward is.
But what about all us armchair coaches?? Did he apologize to us?
Whether we want to admit it or not, we all do pretty dumb things. We try really damn hard to slide by without notice. He got called out and had to face it on several levels.

Thats not me means that isnt what I want to be. The guy is actually blessed to get caught. Most of us dont get called out in public.
I got some blowback on Twitter for asking the questions. I get that people want to move on. But this was the first time we had to talk to him about it and I thought he handled himself well. I like Cordell. I made a lot of dumb decision in my 20s. I still make some dumb ones.
We all spend hours on here talking about young adults we don’t even know because we’re Iowa fans. And many of us go crazy during a game when the refs blow calls. Yeah. We know all about making good decisions and acting mature. And I’m definitely part of the “we.”

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