cool story brah


Well-Known Member
Im down at the vine just now pounding a dozen and a stine. I'm heading out the door as JVB comes in with his gf (who's not nearly as hot as his mom) and I must have looked extra prolish cause Opie looked at me and said "we got four".

I said yeah I think I saw an open booth over there but I'm ony way out to my car.
Pics of said gf?

Found her:

yea, I see them at bluebird for breakfast every once in a while. you'd think a starting D1 QB could pull a little better trim than that. to each his own I guess.

and duff I hope you're at the coralville vine, the IC one has gone to hell lately.
hey steve, you live in Iowa City?? WTF, clone-boy. Why ain't you up in Ames??
yea, I see them at bluebird for breakfast every once in a while. you'd think a starting D1 QB could pull a little better trim than that. to each his own I guess.

and duff I hope you're at the coralville vine, the IC one has gone to hell lately.

you should have seen what the ic vine once was. it is not even a shadow of itself. used to have live bands, and was the place. now a glorified grease shack.
there is only one vine, and its in Iowa ******* city.

for what it's worth I don't go to the vine to watch games or anything, i just get wings from there. and the IC vine has been terrible lately. or very inconstant to say the least. Coralville never lets me down.
for what it's worth I don't go to the vine to watch games or anything, i just get wings from there. and the IC vine has been terrible lately. or very inconstant to say the least. Coralville never lets me down.

coralville vine never seems like the vine to me either - as dm states - but i was in IC when the IC Vine was a great place to be. so my affinity for ic is for that reason. plus i just lived down the street.
And during the summers back in the day it was 10 cent draws on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Great times... from what I can remember. :)
for what it's worth I don't go to the vine to watch games or anything, i just get wings from there. and the IC vine has been terrible lately. or very inconstant to say the least. Coralville never lets me down.

depends how many bong hits the staff had that morning.

Lived at the vine from 2002-2006

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