Congressional scrutiny of realignment said to be likely

I am sure that some Congressmen will have to make it an issue if they have a University that is somehow "left out". I remember the reactions of Harkin and Culver a little over one year ago when ISU was potentially frozen out. You have to be some sort of conspiracy theorist to believe that all this is planned and that is how Congress would pursue this.

All this realignment started off with the Big Ten wanting to add one team and suggesting it might as many as five. The PAC 12 simultaneously began expansion and added two after entertaining the idea of six. Now the Big Ten is not actively seeking new members and two conferences; ACC and SEC, are in expansion. But just a total of three team; A&M, Pitt, and Syracuse. This hardly warrants Congressional inquiry.

The two affected conferences still exist, but seem unable to be able to resolve their problems. That is something Congress needs to realize and avoid involvement.
They may have hearings but the fact is no action will be taken. Very few legislators are going to want to take on the college football establishment and fandom. The fact is there are far more districts either not affected by it or affected positively so there is no chance of legislation making it through both houses of Congress. These hearings would be akin to hauling the oil company CEOs in for their annual dressing down, plenty of theater but with absolutely nothing in the way of results.
Its just sabre rattling. Especially when there are camera's around. In the end they will talk and bluster about but do nothing.
I'm not a big fan of politicians getting involved with sports. But at this point, this whole realignment thing has veered completely away from sports, so I'm not surprised politicians want to get some public votes by getting involved. In the end, not sure how much these dumbasses can actually do. And not sure the idiots won't make matters much worse.

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