Congrats to Megan Gustafson

And another year to play yet! Dominate player for sure. What I notice with her, is her efficiency. Her footwork is flawless and she is able to counter anything a defense throws at her.

Amazing player.
She really improved her passing out of double-teams this year. And if you don't double her, she will score (and even sometimes when you do).

I am also impressed the coaches have been able to scheme her good opportunities even in the face of the overwhelming attention she draws.

If they could ever surround her with at least 3 knockdown shooters (damn you, Tania Davis' ACL!) they would be very dangerous.
Congrats to Kathleen and Megan! Both very well deserved! Megan has a chance to reach over 800 points for the year which would be another record. Imo Megan has reached the Greatest Of All Time Iowa Hawkeye Women's Basketball Player. Barring injury Megan will demolish more records before she graduates next year. Congrats to the rst of the team for making this all possible for Megan. Go Hawks!
Voted by the media, The coaches did not pick her, WTF?!?!?