

New Member
reading all these posts, does anyone really have confidence in Barta finding someone for our basketball program? Let me know.. Even Jon Mlller (on his show) doesn't sound like he has alot of confidence in our A.D. That's alright Jon, I'm with you...
reading all these posts, does anyone really have confidence in Barta finding someone for our basketball program? Let me know.. Even Jon Mlller (on his show) doesn't sound like he has alot of confidence in our A.D. That's alright Jon, I'm with you...

I view Barta the same as I do Lickliter. Helluva good guy, with the right moral compass......who's in completely over his head.

You know the interesting thing in all of this, for me anyway? We're debating coaches and talking about who their mentor was, who they learned under, etc. Barta worked under and learned from Bowlsby....that's enought right there for me to question his ability to find the right coach.
reading all these posts, does anyone really have confidence in Barta finding someone for our basketball program? Let me know.. Even Jon Mlller (on his show) doesn't sound like he has alot of confidence in our A.D. That's alright Jon, I'm with you...

In what way has he shown he is not up for the task. He could have just as easily followed ISU with keeping Lick for another year. He made the decision, which was the right one, to go another direction. You can't blam him for hiring Lick, most people almost everyone was okay with the hire. It was the best he could do, which he could have done much worse than hiring the national coach of the year. Looking back we can say we wish we would have gone a different way, but the past is the past. Barta realized it was not going to work with Lcik and cut ties with him. ISU could have done the same thing, but their AD didn't have it in him to make that tough choice. I have a lot of confidence in Barta to hire a splash hit.
In what way has he shown he is not up for the task. He could have just as easily followed ISU with keeping Lick for another year. He made the decision, which was the right one, to go another direction. You can't blam him for hiring Lick, most people almost everyone was okay with the hire. It was the best he could do, which he could have done much worse than hiring the national coach of the year. Looking back we can say we wish we would have gone a different way, but the past is the past. Barta realized it was not going to work with Lcik and cut ties with him. ISU could have done the same thing, but their AD didn't have it in him to make that tough choice. I have a lot of confidence in Barta to hire a splash hit.

Agreed. We can expect that Barta learned from the mistakes (including his) in the process from three year ago and works to correct those. We can also expect that he's seeing that not all of Todd's problems were the coach's -- he and the department, in its various operations, shared some of the blame.

Let's hope -- no, let's expect -- that Barta lands the right coach, then begins to clear out some of the deadwood and to address the lack of inertia in the Department of Athletics in order to bring Iowa sports into the 21st century.
ISU could have done the same thing, but their AD didn't have it in him to make that tough choice. I have a lot of confidence in Barta to hire a splash hit.

ISU doesn't have the money that Iowa does and the pool of coaches would be smaller.
It is really hard to grade an AD. There is a huge information gap. We don't really know how fundraising and the politics are going. We don't have access to information concerning the coaching hire. What if coaches don't want this job? And because that we hire an underwhelming candidate. What if the board of regents refuse to hire a guy with questionable recruiting practices because it is not consistent the school's mission? What is the rumors of unlimited money isn't true, and there is 1.5 million cap imposed? There a ton of other what ifs. There is just too much of an information gap for the average fan to ever really discern whether an AD is good.
I also wonder if the others around Barta, boosters and other administrators, will allow him to make a bad hire. I think he understands what's at stake and he will either gather the information and resources needed, or find the people that can do that for him. I for one, have confidence that those working to figure this out will make the right choice.
Do we have the absolutely most cynical fans in the country. My God! Barta has made sure KF stays, hired the best wrestling coach in the free world, and hired the national coy in Lick. Did you people have a crystal ball 3 years ago, because I sure as hell didn't know how this was going to turn out. And many of you expected another year of chaos in the bball program....but GB had the cajones to make the move. Is there anyway to please some of you?????? You who I am referencing must be pathetic individuals.
Do we have the absolutely most cynical fans in the country. My God! Barta has made sure KF stays, hired the best wrestling coach in the free world, and hired the national coy in Lick. Did you people have a crystal ball 3 years ago, because I sure as hell didn't know how this was going to turn out. And many of you expected another year of chaos in the bball program....but GB had the cajones to make the move. Is there anyway to please some of you?????? You who I am referencing must be pathetic individuals.

Yes...yes, we do! It's the "ChickenLittle" faction of "HawkeyeNation"...Good things never factor into their thinking as they are forgotten almost immediately.
Do we have the absolutely most cynical fans in the country. My God! Barta has made sure KF stays, hired the best wrestling coach in the free world, and hired the national coy in Lick. Did you people have a crystal ball 3 years ago, because I sure as hell didn't know how this was going to turn out. And many of you expected another year of chaos in the bball program....but GB had the cajones to make the move. Is there anyway to please some of you?????? You who I am referencing must be pathetic individuals.

Can we PLEASE stop with the "Barta hired Brands" crap?!?! For the 7,367th time, he did NOT hire Brands, Bowlsby did. It was the final thing he did before leaving for Stanford. If you're gonna come hard in a post, at least come correct!

By the way, what has Barta done to "make sure KF stays"? I'm not aware of a single raise he's given him since he's been here. KF has stayed because his teams have essentially kicked *** since Barta's been here and because he still has kids in school. KF has said, essentially from day 1, that it is his and Mary's intention to raise all of their kids in one community.

And how much "cajones" does it take to fire a guy who has the worst 3 year run in the over 100 year history of the program? That's not called cajones, that's called common sense.

At the end of the day, Barta is an empty suit and I have no confidence that he can get the right guy.
Can we PLEASE stop with the "Barta hired Brands" crap?!?! For the 7,367th time, he did NOT hire Brands, Bowlsby did. It was the final thing he did before leaving for Stanford. If you're gonna come hard in a post, at least come correct!

By the way, what has Barta done to "make sure KF stays"? I'm not aware of a single raise he's given him since he's been here. KF has stayed because his teams have essentially kicked *** since Barta's been here and because he still has kids in school. KF has said, essentially from day 1, that it is his and Mary's intention to raise all of their kids in one community.

And how much "cajones" does it take to fire a guy who has the worst 3 year run in the over 100 year history of the program? That's not called cajones, that's called common sense.

At the end of the day, Barta is an empty suit and I have no confidence that he can get the right guy.

Who's responsible for the CHA renovations...the new practice facility...and the new football facilities that are coming?
Oh...I fundraising involved at all on that?

There's a reason it's been 11 years since Bowlsby first promised Alford a new practice facility.....the money wasn't there.

Now all of a sudden we can afford a new practice facility AND Carver renovations at a time when the Big Ten Network has turned into a cash cow? I'm sorry, but that's not just a coincidence.
There's a reason it's been 11 years since Bowlsby first promised Alford a new practice facility.....the money wasn't there.

Now all of a sudden we can afford a new practice facility AND Carver renovations at a time when the Big Ten Network has turned into a cash cow? I'm sorry, but that's not just a coincidence.

Oh I'm sure it has alot to do with it...along with football revenue climbing and fundraising...I just find it funny that Barta's a slug because of a bad hire that NOONE hated at the time...well, noone not named "Stevie".