Comparing Iowa to Big 10 (Warning: Long & lots of Numbers!)


Well-Known Member
Edit: This thread got a lot of views, but no comments, hopefully that is just because the formatting was bad. So, here you go. Since I couldn't get the formatting right, I uploaded my spreadsheet to google docs. Here is the link. Tabs are at the bottom to switch from offense to defense to total. Tell me what you think, I would like to keep updating this all season.

So, I was bored last night, and I decided to break out the old spreadsheet to see how Iowa stacked up to the rest of the Big 10 in offense and defense so far this season.

First, the methodology. It's nothing real complicated. I just gathered the total yards and yards allowed for each Big 10 team and the total points and points allowed. Instead of just looking at who had more than the other, I wanted to compare them to a baseline. The baseline I chose, was the Big 10 average in ever category.

Next I calculated every teams yards per game and yards allowed per game. I also did the same with points and points allowed per game. I then divided those by the Big 10 average of those categories, to get how far they were above or below average. I then multiplied them by 100 to put them on a scale where 100 is equal to average.

Example 1: For offense, better than 100 is above average, and below 100 is below average. Iowa averages 407 yards per game, while the Big 10 average so far is 439.3. So, Iowa's score for yards per game is 98. This means that Iowa's offense so far is 2% below the Big 10 average.

Example 2: For defense, 100 is still average, but since a defense wants to give up a low amount of yards, lower than 100 is above average and higher than 100 is below average. So, Iowa allows 266 yards per game, while the Big 10 average is 333. So, Iowa's score is 80. This means that Iowa's defense has allowed 20% less yards per game than the Big 10 average.

Now, since most of every team that the Big 10 has faced so far has been FCS or a MAC cupcake. Some of these numbers are going to be inflated. I'll keep doing this throughout the season, and eventually some of the large outliers will come back to earth. Except, maybe Michigan's defense because, as you will see, holy hell are they horrible.

Unfortunately I cannot give a full analysis, as I am running late because this post took longer than I figured to format. But, Iowa is really good at defense, not a huge surprise. The offense is a little below average, but that is because we had no run game against Arizona last Saturday. The pass game is above average so far though.

Ohio St. is really good on defense and offense, keep in mind they played Miami too.

Minnesota is the only team that has been outscored by there opponents (USC understandably, USD not so understandably).

Penn St. has a good defense so far, but their offense has struggled with the run and with a true freshmen at QB.

Michigan likes to put up yards, and they like to give up yards. Same with points.
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Sorry, but I will need the crib notes version if you want me to pay attention. Why don't you just give us the jist of your numbers?

For instance, combine the offensive score with the defensive score and rank the teams.
Sorry, but I will need the crib notes version if you want me to pay attention. Why don't you just give us the jist of your numbers?

For instance, combine the offensive score with the defensive score and rank the teams.

I did a list of the numbers but formatting sucked, and it was hard to read.

Short version: 100 equals average, anything greater is above average, and vice versa for lower than 100. So, 171 means a team is 71% better than the average B10 team.

Combining offense with defense comes out to:

Yards Outgained Opponent Per Game
1. Ohio State: 272
2. Iowa: 171
3. Wisconsin: 167
4. Michigan State: 98
5. Indiana: 89
6. Michigan: 86
7. Northwestern: 72
8. Penn State: 55
9. Purdue: 43
10. Illinois: 32
11. Minnesota: 12

Points Outscored Opponent Per Game
1. Ohio State: 225
2. Indiana: 200
3. Northwestern: 139
4. Iowa: 133
5. Michigan State: 105
6. Wisconsin: 89
7. Penn State: 86
8. Michigan: 76
9. Illinois: 73
10. Purdue: 26
11. Minnesota: -18

Things to note:
Take some of these with grain of salt because of the quality of opponents played so far. Indiana has played Towson and Western Kentucky, which is why they are second in outscoring their opponents. While, Ohio State has played Miami and has still been the best team so far.
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