Coming Soon: HawkeyeNation App


Looking at the beta version of our HawkeyeNation App. Going to make a few more tweaks and suggestions, and this first version will also be something we throw out to the masses and get your feedback on, then keep dialing it in until we have something that is a USEFUL app, and not just an app to say you have one.

Some of the aspects are already pretty slick...schedules...story archive with thumbnail photos, slick presentation..solid colors...even working on something to be able to view the message boards via the app in a quicker fashion...

There will be a few bugs we have to work out, but I want to get this out to HN users to beta test it within the next week or will be for the Android users first...then a few weeks later, the Apple App store will approve it and it will be there for you as well...will talk with the developers about Blackberry.

We are already starting to look at ways to create an exciting, useful and sleek module for tablets, ie iPad, Kindle, etc...
Soooo if there was a certain poster on the board who happened to have a smart phone... let's just say for the sake of argument... ME. Then hypothetically this person could use said smart phone to access at any time and with the press of a button on said smart phone?
Soooo if there was a certain poster on the board who happened to have a smart phone... let's just say for the sake of argument... ME. Then hypothetically this person could use said smart phone to access at any time and with the press of a button on said smart phone?

I believe the word you are looking for is drunk hawkeyenationing. Similar to drunk facebooking, drunk dialing, and drunk texting, but with more interesting and stimulating conversation.
Will need a palm pre version so me and the other 0.02% market share palm users can be included.
Jon, if you end up doing something for the Blackberry I would be willing to test. I have a Tour and have a IT background.
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You mean it's available for the iphone and then later the android, right?

No will be Android first, due to how you can get an app to their market pretty much right away, where it takes a few weeks to get it approved in iTunes app store
No will be Android first, due to how you can get an app to their market pretty much right away, where it takes a few weeks to get it approved in iTunes app store

Sounds like flawed logic. So you make a quick nickel from the android market? The real money is in the Iphone market...worth waiting for.
I eagerly await this....YAY... viewing these forums on a smart phone is torture, even moreso with the video highlight player at the top of the page...can't wait
Sounds like flawed logic. So you make a quick nickel from the android market? The real money is in the Iphone market...worth waiting for.

Actually, the latest market share numbers show Android surpassing Apple. RIM still has a healthy lead over both of them (in the US at least).
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Actually, the latest market share numbers show Android surpassing Apple. RIM still has a healthy lead over both of them (in the US at least).

RIM leads and for how long? I'm switching from a BB to a Droid when my contract is up and excited to see the new app.