Colts release Bob Sanders

His style fits well in Pittsburgh. Could you imagine have Bob at SS and Troy P. at FS. Look out over the middle!

They'd probably decapitate each other on the first pass play of the first game while trying to kill Chad Choke-o-stinko...

By the way, if that did happen, they be raking bits of Choke-o-stinko out of the turf for MONTHS...nothing but bloody shoe and a Bengals orange, tattered sports bra left to ID him...
Somebody will pick him up. He is just too good to stay a free agent. I expect him to sign a 1 year contract with somebody that can use him sparingly and keep him healthy so probably a team already in the playoffs. He is solid and if he can stay healthy he is a lot like Polamalu...allows the D to do things others can't. If he gets injured and loses another year on the comeback trail I expect him to retire.
His style fits well in Pittsburgh. Could you imagine have Bob at SS and Troy P. at FS. Look out over the middle!

The steelers should not re-sign William Gay's sucky a$$ and use Sanders as a nickel back preserving his body a little bit. I realize Gay is a corner and Sanders is a safety, but his coverage skills are 10 trillion times better than Gay.
Bob should really just look at his own health first,and just be satisfied with leaving the game with his senses intact,if they are. The way he collides with guys,he is going to risk head injury,that could result in permanant damage. He should hang it up, and come back to Iowa City as a coach for Kirk. He is a self-built player,and they usually make great coaches. Would be a dynamite recruiter in Pa. for Iowa also.
Bob should really just look at his own health first,and just be satisfied with leaving the game with his senses intact,if they are. The way he collides with guys,he is going to risk head injury,that could result in permanant damage. He should hang it up, and come back to Iowa City as a coach for Kirk. He is a self-built player,and they usually make great coaches. Would be a dynamite recruiter in Pa. for Iowa also.

And which coach is fired then? Can only have so many.
This is why, if you're at an NFL-level of talent:

#1--You get all the guaranteed money you can, and
#2--It's perfectly OK to leave school early. (Earn your money now, and you can always go back later to finish)

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