Pat Angerer interview

I'm glad PA brought up Mitch King, since the interviewer failed to.
I reckon Pat & Mitch might have some fun together in Indy, while working to make the Colts' squad.:rolleyes:
I'm hoping that once he gets settled his sense of humor will start to come out. Can you imagine a weekly video segment "The Angry Linebacker with Pat Angerer". Priceless!
I'm hoping that once he gets settled his sense of humor will start to come out. Can you imagine a weekly video segment "The Angry Linebacker with Pat Angerer". Priceless!

I'm hoping for that, then followed with a Bob Sanders "knocked the eff' out" segment :)
I'm hoping that once he gets settled his sense of humor will start to come out. Can you imagine a weekly video segment "The Angry Linebacker with Pat Angerer". Priceless!

I like the no-nonsense worker approach, but with Pat it really seems like he needs to be having a good time to reach his full potential. Hope he finds a way to take the rookie struggles in stride a bit better than he did at Iowa.
It is bittersweet. It is great that he is in the NFL, but its sad he is no longer a hawk.

As a huge Colts/Hawks fan, I welcome you to climb up onto the Indianapolis Colts bandwagon. Plenty of room for all of Hawkeye Nation. Aaaalll Abooooard.....!!

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