Week 1= UCF
week 2= MSU
week 3= Ark
week 4= LSU
week 5= MIZZU
week 6= Mich
week 7=UCLA
week 8=Baylor
week 9=Miami
...prayin for FSU to choke taking fsanford with them
...then NIU to lose to Ball St (oh snap!-well, Toledo maybe?)....and then Alabama to throw the game next week and lose to FCS someone (well actually, more realistically they can lose the Iron Bowl to Auburn)....and then by some chance, BlondeTurco forgets, gets the Banhammer, or just plain messes up his pick in the next 2 weeks. Of course, Fresno wins next week and OSU beats Mishitigan, at Mishitigan, coming off a road loss the prior week!
......Then, "ALL OF THIS CAN BE MINE, MINE, MINE.. bwa-ha-ha-ha"!
heck, my odds have to be better than 10,593,031.45 to 1, don't they???