College FB is Changing: We need a mobile QB

As an outsider, I would say that your biggest problem over the years on offense, has been OL. I know that sounds like blasphemy because you guys have produced so many NFL OL. But I feel like these players don't play to their potential as a unit when they are at Iowa.

In the run game, they aren't able to get off of their rub blocks in the zone running game, and rarely make it to the next level. That means 3-4 yards and a cloud of dust on most running plays. Also, it seems that they are incapable of stopping run blitzes so even teams with crappy defenses contain your running game a lot of the time.

In the passing game, it seems that they aren't able to pick up the blitz well. So teams naturally blitz a lot, and you take big negative plays.

It's certainly not OL talent, because the results of your NFL development speak for themselves. It's more of a case of OL cohesiveness, IMO.
I will agree with you partly. College FB has changed and we are too stupid/stubborn/etc to change and update to today's game especially on defense.

I am not completely sure a mobile QB is the answer. Although, this is the first time in a long time that we have a QB that can't throw on the run.

This. We need a QB that can improvise and makes places outside the pocket. You need a QB that can break the pocket and pressure defenses down the field. Drew Tate was great at it.

Right now, if our diagrammed play doesn't work, we are screwed. A QB with some movement can break contain, extend plays, and force the defense cover to down field. Mobility covers up bad plays, you don't have to execute perfectly every single play like we do. Our offense is difficult to execute, we ask the QB to take long drops, stay in the pocket, thrown into tight windows. We don't get athletes in space, we don't place pressure on the edges, we rarely do anything quick.
Hogwash. You can win in the NFL without a mobile qb so it's possible to do it at this level as well.

What we need instead is more speed on defense to counter the mobile qbs on the other team. Don't see a lot of that on this team though.

To some extent, I agree. I think we are to small on the DL. We need the front 4 to be able to bull rush ANY OL and collapes the pocket in a big hurry, and make it impossible to run between tackles. Once that is done we need 200-225 lb LB's who are very fast to seal the edges. Our DB's and safties play pretty well (but they could improve), so we are fairly good at defending the pass. It's a combo package, otherwise we need 2 DL's and 2 LB cores, depending on what style of team we are playing.
As for qb's, we dont need a runner, we do need one that gets better at picking up the blitz and can throw the hot read better. I was glad to see CJ get a catch yesterday, how can you not throw it to him over the middle in a hot read? My lord you could throw it 11 ft off the ground and he should be able to go up and get it, he has the size to be a great TE, he needs to ask Vandy to "go play catch" with him on their time off, or something.
You want to see a mobile QB? Watch Vandenberg when we play Michigan State. He'll be running then... But it will be to save his own life.

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