Cole should of been the leader of the team!


Well-Known Member
Cole was chosen by TL to be the captain of this team. I believe he did a poor job of it! I do not think he did a good job of leading on the court. All this whining about Gatens is getting old. Maybe Gatens needed to be the captain. Someone needs to be the leader on the floor. He has been the go to guy the last two years,always getting the best opposing teams best defensive player on him. Tucker and him were roommates,so they were definitely close. We all have to accept the fact that our former coach was not a good people person. The way in which he handled Tucker was wrong. The 2nd time he was picked up for public intox,kick him off the team or whatever. Don't just hide him at the end of the bench. Lets just face it,we had a poor leader in our coach and our captain. If some say that Aaron Fuller is not the best of friends with MG,then we are in trouble with losing him. Everything I hear is that it is MG that is trying to persuade AF to stay!
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I'm guessing somebody who doesn't even know Aaron Fuller's first name isn't really qualified to assess the players' personalities.
Cole was chosen by TL to be the captain of this team. I believe he did a poor job of it! I do not think he did a good job of leading on or off the court. All this whining about Gatens is getting old. Maybe Gatens needed to be the captain. Someone needs to be the leader on the floor. He has been the go to guy the last two years,always getting the best opposing teams best defensive player on him. Tucker and him were roommates,so they were definitely close. We all have to accept the fact that our former coach was not a good people person. The way in which he handled Tucker was wrong. The 2nd time he was picked up for public intox,kick him off the team or whatever. Don't just hide him at the end of the bench. Lets just face it,we had a poor leader in our coach and our captain. If some say that Aaron Fuller is not the best of friends with MG,then we are in trouble with losing him. Everything I hear is that it is MG that is trying to persuade AF to stay!

Who says he wasn't? A bunch of message board posts? Give me a break!
I say he was not. Do you think he was the leader? Most of the time he was on the bench in foul trouble or because he was ineffective on the floor. He was playing out of position. He is to small to be playing center and he has no outside shot. If you seen something different,then you must of not been watching the games that I went to or watched on TV.
I say he was not. Do you think he was the leader? Most of the time he was on the bench in foul trouble or because he was ineffective on the floor. He was playing out of position. He is to small to be playing center and he has no outside shot. If you seen something different,then you must of not been watching the games that I went to or watched on TV.

I didn't realize having an outside shot was a leadership characteristic.
Of you ever seen Cole play? Of you seen him not catch 60% of passes directed at him. I of been watching Iowa basketball too.
Cole was chosen by TL to be the captain of this team. I believe he did a poor job of it! I do not think he did a good job of leading on or off the court. All this whining about Gatens is getting old. Maybe Gatens needed to be the captain. Someone needs to be the leader on the floor. He has been the go to guy the last two years,always getting the best opposing teams best defensive player on him. Tucker and him were roommates,so they were definitely close. We all have to accept the fact that our former coach was not a good people person. The way in which he handled Tucker was wrong. The 2nd time he was picked up for public intox,kick him off the team or whatever. Don't just hide him at the end of the bench. Lets just face it,we had a poor leader in our coach and our captain. If some say that Aaron Fuller is not the best of friends with MG,then we are in trouble with losing him. Everything I hear is that it is MG that is trying to persuade AF to stay!

Looks like Gatens did a poor job with being a off court leader with Tucker. As for this post in general all I can say is
Cole didnt have a great year but by all accounts he is a good kid and has represented the U and the team well.
Cole hustles after nearly everything, significantly improved his 3-8 ft jumper and free throw form along with his help defense. Another "lead by example" item could easily be his willingness to step in and at least try to take the charge which I saw carry over to some of the other guys as the season progressed. Additionally, he obviously spent his fair share of time in the weight room over the past year (which I think was huge in perhaps pushing Fuller/Brommer to also bulk up) and Cole is a young man that showed his teammates what it takes to come back earlier than anticipated from a major knee injury. Additionally, he was the one I consistently saw encouraging the other players throughout the games and by all accounts also one of the main guys volunteering his time at places like Camp Courageous, etc. so I think you may be focusing too much on statistics and not enough on effort & attitude.
I never said that Cole was not a good student athlete. He could not be better. I am just saying I am not sure if he should be the captain of our team. If you look at the squad,we do not have much to chose from. Cole has been the captain of our team both his sophmore and junior seasons. The captains job is usually bestowed to an upper classman. With all the deflections,we have none.
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I say he was not. Do you think he was the leader? Most of the time he was on the bench in foul trouble or because he was ineffective on the floor. He was playing out of position. He is to small to be playing center and he has no outside shot. If you seen something different,then you must of not been watching the games that I went to or watched on TV.

Too small for the position he's forced to play at = poor leader on and off the court. :rolleyes:
Wow, not only is your argument off base, your grammar is so bad that if you actually had a valid point, you would lose any credibility.
I never said that Cole was not a good student athlete. He could not be better. I am just saying I am not sure if he should be the captain of our team. If you look at the squad,we do not have much to chose from. Cole has been the captain of our team both his sophmore and junior seasons. The captains job is usually bestowed to an upper classman. With all the deflections,we have none.

The role of captain does not go to the team's best player, it goes to the best leader. Guys who bust their a** in practice, in the weightroom, and on the court for the good of the team are the guys who deserve to be captains. And Jarryd Cole fits that description to a "T".

However, the more I hear about Gatens (assuming it's true, anyway), the more I start to dislike him. Separating himself from the rest of the team with Tucker was not a good strategy, I don't care if they were roommates or not. And as someone said, where was Gatens' leadership? I mean Tucker was sleeping on the other side of the tiny-a** dorm room, and Gatens couldn't help out with keeping Tucker sober?
I do not know MG,but I do know that he can not be watching AT all the time. I am glad AT is no longer on the team. If it was MG or his family that helped get rid of TL,then that is fine with me. Whomever anyone wants to blame for doing the program a favor and ridding the team of their terrible coaching hire is fine. Blame who you want.
The role of captain does not go to the team's best player, it goes to the best leader. Guys who bust their a** in practice, in the weightroom, and on the court for the good of the team are the guys who deserve to be captains. And Jarryd Cole fits that description to a "T".

However, the more I hear about Gatens (assuming it's true, anyway), the more I start to dislike him. Separating himself from the rest of the team with Tucker was not a good strategy, I don't care if they were roommates or not. And as someone said, where was Gatens' leadership? I mean Tucker was sleeping on the other side of the tiny-a** dorm room, and Gatens couldn't help out with keeping Tucker sober?

So,you have grown to dislike him,if message board rumors are true? What if they are not? Will you then like him?....hmmmm.

Devan Bawinkel and Jarryd Cole were captains, and that clearly has nothing to do with their talent on the floor.

Ultimately,the buck stops with the guy paid 6 million over 3 years to lead this program,not some unpaid 21-22 year old student-athletes. Obviously,a lot of bucks stopped at Licks bank...and none at Jarryds or Devans.
So,you have grown to dislike him,if message board rumors are true? What if they are not? Will you then like him?....hmmmm.

Devan Bawinkel and Jarryd Cole were captains, and that clearly has nothing to do with their talent on the floor.

Ultimately,the buck stops with the guy paid 6 million over 3 years to lead this program,not some unpaid 21-22 year old student-athletes. Obviously,a lot of bucks stopped at Licks bank...and none at Jarryds or Devans.

If the rumors about Gatens are true, then there is more than enough reason for me to lose any and all respect for him. Certainly enough to show that he isn't deserving of being a captain.

Could Lickliter have done a better job? Absolutely. But the players have responsibility too. Just because they aren't paid doesn't mean they are totally blameless for what's happened the past 3 years. If there's been some locker room tension that found its way to the court, that's on the players as much as Lickliter. Sure Lickliter can try to solve the problem, but the players could have saved everyone the trouble, grown up, and not created the problem in the first place.

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