

Well-Known Member
So he was running better, huh. I know he had some better holes open up and some credit is due there as well, but when it came time to lower the boom, he did it. Glad to see him hitting back, instead of just getting hit. He does need some help, he is a stud, but we gotta get somebody to help and I fully expect to see that next Saturday.
DL (infact the whole D) played better as well. Secondary had some goof ups, that could have been very costly, but overall they played well (Not sure but I am guessing Persa did not make his numbers last nite). DL is figuring it out and finally using whats been taught instead of trying to bull rush everyone, everytime. Big improvement there.

Those two areas get my vote for most improved, from last week. Good job Hawks, keep it up and we will see who gets MIA (Most improved award) next week.

Btw, pretty cool cards and the whole fanbase did well with everything. Only thing I noticed it got quieter not to far into the game. Were you all to drunk to keep up the noise??:D
Coker is definitely looking better. I loved that he got lower than the LB and DB on what I think was his last run of the night...he punished that dude.

That being said, I have to tell you that he's not a top tier running back right now. I have to tell you on a few of those runs, great backs would have housed it, or at least got in a foot race. And what was going on in that breakaway run in the first drive where he had both hands on the ball 12 yards down field when he was somewhat in the clear...then he did this weird headbutt and went backwards after. Did that look strange to anyone else?

He's definitely looking better, and getting it going. I believe our expectations after the Insight were unrealistic. He's a good player now...just not great. He has definite upside, but I'm not sure his vision is where it needs to be. I don't think the game has slowed down for him when he's running.
He did look to be much improved in this game, and leveling the defender on his last run was absolutely brilliant. Sometimes I forget he's just a sophomore...
Coker is definitely looking better. I loved that he got lower than the LB and DB on what I think was his last run of the night...he punished that dude.

That being said, I have to tell you that he's not a top tier running back right now. I have to tell you on a few of those runs, great backs would have housed it, or at least got in a foot race. And what was going on in that breakaway run in the first drive where he had both hands on the ball 12 yards down field when he was somewhat in the clear...then he did this weird headbutt and went backwards after. Did that look strange to anyone else?

He's definitely looking better, and getting it going. I believe our expectations after the Insight were unrealistic. He's a good player now...just not great. He has definite upside, but I'm not sure his vision is where it needs to be. I don't think the game has slowed down for him when he's running.

Yeah I did not like the head butt thing. If the defender wants a shot to the noggin, give him one, but not with your head, next time try your shoulder pad. I think he will get better, I think he has had enough of the hold on to the ball drills. As you said he is almost to tense, he will losen up a bit, but his north south has improved greatly, his putting a hit on has improved greatly, now just let him play and the rest will come. He is no speed demon so breaking 50 yarders loose is not his job and you wont see it often, but it looks like he now knows what his job is and is embracing it better. He is only a soph (right?), so he has time to make his mark as one of the most punishing backs in the B10. It's not a glamorous job, but every team including the pros, needs a back who can take it 5-10 right up the gut and make people pay for stopping you.
Biggest question, not only for him, but for many of these kids is where are they are on the effort/time scale. Time wise he has 2 1/2 seasons left, thats not going to change, the only varible in the outcome of such a scale is effort. Kind of like the crazy/hot scale.;)
MC is an intelligent, smart and conscientious guy. Sometimes those people get too analytical and stuck in their head rather than just doing, especially when they are being asked to change a lot about their style (getting lower, squaring up to take / deliver the blows, improving balance and decisiveness -- all while protecting the ball).

The early season fumbles still linger with him and it shows in his running. He regularly has both arms smothering the ball in his gut, long after the hand-off. This is expected on inside dive plays but he also does this on plays where he needs to be able to read and cut and it definitely hinders his quickness. Anytime he does get some open field, notice how the ball arm is tight against his side and barely swings -- looks like its in a sling -- while the other arm is pumping normally. This has to hinder his speed and balance some.

He seems to be over-compensating for ball protection and technique development right now. I posted a few games back that the best thing for him to do is to get out of his head and start playing.
When he gets comfortable enough to not fumble and not have to hug the ball,he will start breaking away. Wow he must have gotten a B1G talking to after the TT game cause he's got the death grip on that ball.:)
Earlier in the week Coker called himself out for not running well. Kudos to him for stepping up his game.

He looked a lot better today and was running more determined. The O line was doing much better with their blocking assignments. They also looked like they wanted to send a message.

It sounds obvious - but O Linemen and FBs love to block for a RB that hits the hole hard and runs over defenders. Even if you can't see the play you know when it's a long time until the whistle blows after you first engaged your man - the RB is still running.
He is pretty much straight forward/north/south or nothing. He can lower the boom though. A bull in a china shop. Not much for lateral movement but give him a hole up the middle and he will make a d-back cringe seeing him coming. Perfect fullback for us.

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