Coker Suspension: Best thing that could happen for 2012 squad?


Well-Known Member
Losing Coker is not good news for the bowl game, for sure. But it could be helpful for the '12 season. Since Iowa coaches are risk-averse and loathe to play new guys to any great extent, this could help for next season as they have had to play these guys in practice and perhaps that plus how they play in the game itself will help these players get more of a shot at playing next year.
Losing Coker is not good news for the bowl game, for sure. But it could be helpful for the '12 season. Since Iowa coaches are risk-averse and loathe to play new guys to any great extent, this could help for next season as they have had to play these guys in practice and perhaps that plus how they play in the game itself will help these players get more of a shot at playing next year.
Kirk has a 0 tolerance policy and most of us know it. Hopefully Coker takes the responsibility to mature and get back on the field next year with his teammates. It would be a shame if another talented player left the team for something stupid.
The one thing that it boils down to is responsibilty once these kids learn that they will be fine. Until then lets all stand in our seats or our living rooms and applaud the ones that come out of the tunnel.
Losing Coker is not good news for the bowl game, for sure. But it could be helpful for the '12 season. Since Iowa coaches are risk-averse and loathe to play new guys to any great extent, this could help for next season as they have had to play these guys in practice and perhaps that plus how they play in the game itself will help these players get more of a shot at playing next year.

I award you 320 points for bravely attempting to paint lipstick on a pig.

You may even be right!
Losing Coker is not good news for the bowl game, for sure. But it could be helpful for the '12 season. Since Iowa coaches are risk-averse and loathe to play new guys to any great extent, this could help for next season as they have had to play these guys in practice and perhaps that plus how they play in the game itself will help these players get more of a shot at playing next year.
Kirk has a 0 tolerance policy and most of us know it. Hopefully Coker takes the responsibility to mature and get back on the field next year with his teammates. It would be a shame if
another talented player left the
team for something stupid.

Hmmm...yeah like sky diving or skiing or participating in some other forbidden sport in the conduct book!
That makes sense and I figured it was something like that. Hope he comes back next year, and hope someone steps up tomorrow to fill his shoes.

That is not at all close to why he is suspended, it had to do with consent and how you obtain it according to the U of I code of conduct. Nothing 'illegal' happened.
Nobody knows, the trouble he's in... Nobody knows the...

Three competing theories, who wins? Will we ever know? Who doesn't love a good cliffhanger?
From what it sounds like, the suspension from the team (not school) came from the U of I, not Ferentz. It's probably something like drinking in the dorms or something petty like that. At least I hope so. If that is the case, then Coker is going no where except up the charts in the Iowa RB record books next year. Furthermore, it sounds like it isn't anything that will get him kicked out of school if, according to Barta, he still has an invitation to "rejoin the team". Coker seems like the kind of guy that will bounce back and learn from this to press forward even harder next year. At least I hope so.
He took a final early due to the bowl schedule. He shared what was on the final with some other students in the class. That was it. Hence why KF said "we'll live with it." I just feel bad the kid's name has been drug through the mud with all the ridiculous rumors.
Rumors will start because the truth wasn't told. Why is it so freaking hard about just saying what the deal was? This playing games with the media/fans has got to stop. Other Universities such as Michigan State just say "our player commited murder and will receive a two game suspension after the bowl", but the Hawkeyes can only say... our starting running back will be suspended for the BOWL game for violating the student code of ethics.
It is getting old... there has got to be other suitable punishment than missing a bowl game. This is a punishment made by someone who has no idea how much a bowl game means to an athlete. As my Grandpa would have said. **** POOR.
Have to agree with Greg. If a player on MSU committed murder a two game suspension would the given, then moved to a 1 game by Dantonio...
i dont know what is true or not but i think you all so look out for the ban hammer from jon if the speculating over the suspension continues.

on the original point i wouldnt say it is a good thing but it does force the coaches to see what else we have in the rb column. i think we will see just how special canzeri is and that we have a legit back up in deandre.

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