Cody Ince Has Passed Away

I lost a 22 year old nephew last year. He died from a seizure condition he has had for years. So I can say I understand how a loss like this feels. Not good.

If the family has a faith in god or life after death I can only hope that it brings some comfort to a tragic and terrible loss for family and friends.
Out of respect, I don't want to derail this thread, but, as a complete side note to Cody, I have been amazed at the overall lack of attention this issue has received. Our country is literally being poisoned and the numbers are staggering. I'm aware of three teenagers in our community alone that have died within the past year or so, and that's just the ones I'm aware of. The complacency on the part of our government as it relates to this issue is frankly astonishing.
Yeah I don't envy parents. You can preach to your blue in the face to kids how bad drugs are and to not drink and drive etc etc etc and yet at the end of the day they are all going to do what they want. Good kids make bad decisions all the time. It's not just the kids from the other side of the tracks.
Yeah I don't envy parents. You can preach to your blue in the face to kids how bad drugs are and to not drink and drive etc etc etc and yet at the end of the day they are all going to do what they want. Good kids make bad decisions all the time. It's not just the kids from the other side of the tracks.

Drugs are one reason I'm glad my boy has dual citizenship with Japan. If that dude gets into anything like that his ass is going straight to Japan where there are virtually no hard drugs due to their closed border and tough on crime policies. You send a kid to rehab in the United States and all you're doing is giving him a network of more places to buy drugs in 6 weeks when he gets out.
Drugs are one reason I'm glad my boy has dual citizenship with Japan. If that dude gets into anything like that his ass is going straight to Japan where there are virtually no hard drugs due to their closed border and tough on crime policies. You send a kid to rehab in the United States and all you're doing is giving him a network of more places to buy drugs in 6 weeks when he gets out.
I have had nothing to do with any of those rehab places ever. But man that's all they seem to be good for. Besides making money for themselves. I'd love to know what their shooting % is for keeping people off drugs after they've completed their times there. They seem to have minimal impact on helping folks. But heck if I know.
I see a lot of talk on drugs. I didn’t read through all th e comments, but was it determined that he died from drugs? Very sad regardless of the cause of his death.
I see a lot of talk on drugs. I didn’t read through all th e comments, but was it determined that he died from drugs? Very sad regardless of the cause of his death.
I haven't seen anything indicating drugs, I just think the thread jumped the rails into that since it's a major issue across America.

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