Coaching search article


At the end of the coaching search article on the home page it said FM talked with Rav's and Lute about what it takes to be successful in IC.

With the comments these guys have made about the IC fishbowl, wonder if they told him to get a porcelain castle and a plastic toychest to decorate his office.

Hope he gets to talk to Davis here pretty quickly.
Raveling is on record saying that leaving Iowa was a mistake on his part... Lute... well Lute is Lute. I think age and experience (Iowa was his first Major school) will have him being objective vs. critical. You could argue that Davis has the most potential to be critical, although I belive his character is such that he'll be objective and appreciate the opportunity to chat with Fran.
One of Raveling's biggest issues was lifestyle. He was a single man and had a social life and felt that he couldn't live a normal life the way he wanted in Iowa City...he kept a residence in Chicago and was back there as much as he could be. It wore on him