coaches working the refs

PC, I think we're saying the same thing. You described what is happening with today's officials and I just put my opinion on what I feel that means. :D

Ha you starting your sentence with "but" made me think you were disputing what I said but then your post agreed with me. Anyway..screw izzo and his genious ploy to use the refs to his advantage while making it look like they're screwing him.
Ha you starting your sentence with "but" made me think you were disputing what I said but then your post agreed with me. Anyway..screw izzo and his genious ploy to use the refs to his advantage while making it look like they're screwing him.

Yeah, his "Aw shucks" attitude after his opponents get jobbed has run it's course.
I think the NCAA should ban coaches from being on their feet running from baseline to half court each possession. Make the coaches stay sat down until dead ball situations. Coaches obviously could still complain to refs from their chairs, but it may limit the constant lobbying into the refs ears.
I think thats the key. Most coaches continually "work" the official so their passion/complaints slowly escalate at a leisurely pace. I think officials understand that and therefore Coach A "is just whining a bit more than he was a few minutes ago, so I'll let it go since he's been doing it all game". With Fran its "crickets, crickets, crickets, and then suddenly irate guy with a red face charging at me yelling and screaming, I'm not going to put up with this".
Fran works the refs the whole game.

He gets in trouble when he starts hammering his fists in the direction of refs even if they're 30 feet away. This is showing up officials in a mad/crazy way and they're not going to tolerate it; they cannot allow that kind of emotion to fester in a stadium of 14K people.
Does anyone have any arguments on why they shouldn't ban coaches from complaining to the refs? You can say its nice to be able to stand up for your team if you feel you're not getting a fair shake. But if the NCAA believes that officials are always trying to do the best job they can possibly do, then why is allowing coaches to complain productive?

In a perfect world there would be times where the ref was falling asleep on the job so the coach gives him a chewing and wakes him up. He then goes on to call a good game. In the real world, coaches rip on the refs for every call they make in an attempt to get some more calls to go his way down the road. This makes it impossible for refs to call a game consistently from start to finish.
I guess my problem isn't so much what the refs let go or what they didn't call, but rather how we responded. I think in the second half we simply lost our intensity. MSU raised the level of physicality, the officials established that they were for the most part going to let them play, and our intensity level dropped. We needed to raise our intensity and increase the physicality to match MSU and we didn't.
how can iowa match msu's intensity when the officials are going to call them for fouls that they wont call on the bs moving screens on us.
Does anyone have any arguments on why they shouldn't ban coaches from complaining to the refs? You can say its nice to be able to stand up for your team if you feel you're not getting a fair shake. But if the NCAA believes that officials are always trying to do the best job they can possibly do, then why is allowing coaches to complain productive?
No. They shouldn't be able to. It should be more like high school ball where complaining is at a minimum. Keeping coaches' butts in the seats would help. T-ing up hand/arm gestures would help.
how can iowa match msu's intensity when the officials are going to call them for fouls that they wont call on the bs moving screens on us.
I said this in the game thread that got deleted. They have to play as thuggish as MSU so that in order to maintain control of the game they will call both sides the same way.

They called a lot of fouls against MSU the start of the 2nd half and MSU kept fouling/thug def. Izzo simply brought in another body.
Listened to the morons Miller/Brinson and they said it was a well-officiated game because the fouls were equal. The fouls were equal because the refs swallowed their whistles when MSU kept up their thug defense and Iowa didn't respond in kind.

Iowa goes 10 deep that 's 45 fouls to give. Let's do this.
I said this in the game thread that got deleted. They have to play as thuggish as MSU so that in order to maintain control of the game they will call both sides the same way.

They called a lot of fouls against MSU the start of the 2nd half and MSU kept fouling/thug def. Izzo simply brought in another body.
Listened to the morons Miller/Brinson and they said it was a well-officiated game because the fouls were equal. The fouls were equal because the refs swallowed their whistles when MSU kept up their thug defense and Iowa didn't respond in kind.

Iowa goes 10 deep that 's 45 fouls to give. Let's do this.

I don't think this would work because they would probably just call everything on us anyway. But at this point what does it hurt to try? It's ridiculous that the best solution is to "foul every time" but that's where we are.
The refs have the power to control the coaches. It is two technical fouls and you're gone, but the refs do not use it. Many years ago they put a line on the sideline to control where coaches are not allowed to go beyond. It is never enforced. There were times Crean was 8 feet on the court with the ball in play against Iowa and I can't say Fran isn't guilty of the same. I'm pretty sure that is not permitted.

Referees do not have to stand on the sideline where the coaches are standing or sitting. They can stand on the opposite sideline during timeouts or while officiating. Referees can help themselves by adopting a no tolerance policy. Conferences can back them up by putting in place measures to inform the coaches of a no tolerance for ugly behavior. Referees should avoid social contact with coaches before and during the game.

A clear definition of what constitutes a foul by a coach needs adopted or strengthened. Maybe being tossed more often and paying a fine each time with shut them up.
If the NCAA decided to enforce a no complaining about officials rule, they could break them in by allowing 1 warning the first year. After that if the coach complains its a technical. It would be easy to enforce and would clean up the game a ton. It would allow for better officiating and stop sideline antics.
LOL! Fran works the refs ALL game long just as most of the coaches in the league do. Hell Crean wears out a path along his sidelines and he is on the court virtually every play.

Izzo and Ryan are the first to come to mind because their teams are good.

Quit blaming the refs! Blaming the refs is the epidemic
LOL! Fran works the refs ALL game long just as most of the coaches in the league do. Hell Crean wears out a path along his sidelines and he is on the court virtually every play.

Izzo and Ryan are the first to come to mind because their teams are good.

Quit blaming the refs! Blaming the refs is the epidemic

It helps if you quote someone so they know who you're talking to.
Every time we get blow it at the end of games we attack the refs. It's getting old. Have a big enough lead and take it out of the refs hands-whistle.
Every time we get blow it at the end of games we attack the refs. It's getting old. Have a big enough lead and take it out of the refs hands-whistle.

It's hard enough to even win in basketball and your advice is to just go ahead and blow everyone out?

And anyway, this thread isn't about blaming refs. It's about blaming the NCAA for letting coaches get this out of hand. I guarantee if they put a stop to it refs would become a lot less of an issue.
Every time we get blow it at the end of games we attack the refs. It's getting old. Have a big enough lead and take it out of the refs hands-whistle.

We're 10th in the country and 1st in the B1G by a LONGSHOT in FT Attempts. Our entire gig relies on them doing their jobs. If they don't you best believe you're going to hear about it.
The NCAA needs to adopt more of the NBA type rules for coaches. The coaches is box is a box, you leave it and you get a T. Period.
sure there are always going to be calls the coaches complain about but NBA coaches are in no way allowed to work the refs like they do in college. A lot of it has to do with fines. So start fining coaches. The problem is the NCAA seems fine with it.
Although some of the other coaches dont work the refs like B1G coaches seem to. Hoiberg doesnt do it. Coach K sits for most of the game, so does Boehiem. Roy is more of aw shucks guy. Even Callipari (sleazy as he is) is not constantly riding refs and complaining about every call. I personally think it is more of B1G problem than anything.
Fran works the refs the whole game.

He gets in trouble when he starts hammering his fists in the direction of refs even if they're 30 feet away. This is showing up officials in a mad/crazy way and they're not going to tolerate it; they cannot allow that kind of emotion to fester in a stadium of 14K people.

But jumping around and physically grabbing refs like Izzo does is ok?
I don't think this would work because they would probably just call everything on us anyway. But at this point what does it hurt to try? It's ridiculous that the best solution is to "foul every time" but that's where we are.
No they wouldn't call everything on the Hawks anyway. They would have to call it both ways or ruin their reputations. Fans don't need to pull the victim card.

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