Clear thinking regarding coaching changes


Well-Known Member
So, with all the up-in-arms going on here, looks like most have some common sense. Here's how the disagreement goes.

1. Don't make a change because it could certainly be worse (with many examples)

2. Make a change because a lot of the time it gets better (with many examples)

Both seem to understand the other position, it just comes down to a difference of philosophy and/or looking back at what happened to our beloved basketball program.

I offer option 3 for whenever Kirk retires (as that's what I see as the end scenario). Do a better job of finding a good fit, instead of going for the flashy hire. Alford and Lickliter both we're the "hot new coach" and Fran was a tireless recruiter with an established record of building up programs. In ISU and Minny's case, Cheesed1ck and Brewster were both flashy hires with no experience, and both were huge failures.

See the correlation? You can take a chance to strike gold (which seems like the chances of drafting an elite QB in the first round) or you can do your homework and get someone who you know will work. When Kirk moves on, I sincerely hope Iowa has an AD who will do his job and get the right fit instead of going for the flashy name or who the fanbase wants.

Just my two cents on a topic that has already been beaten to death.
We have a coach now who does, IMO, more with less. As Cheese-dick proved, some coaches can't do anything without top-line recruits. He couldn't win anything at ISU, but as soon as he got to Auburn with all their highly rated recruits, he won a national championship and has a highly rated team this year. Who's to say how a coach like Bobby Stoops or Nick Saban would do at Iowa. Saban's MSU teams went 6-5-1, 6-6, 7-5and 6-6 before going 10-2 in '99. Who would put up with that? But he went to LSU, then Alabama, where top recruits are a dime a dozen, and suddenly he's winning championships. Had he stayed at MSU, I'd wager his record would resemble Ferentz's, with no BCS championships. As far as Stoops record, his first head coach job was at powerhouse Oklahoma, so he never had the recruiting problems Ferentz has, and Saban had at MSU having to battle Michigan for the top recruits.

But of course, that is all conjecture. Carry on.
Yeah, you're right on that the next football coach we hire is going to not only have to be able to be a great recruiter, but also a great developer. We just don't have the population base to get big star local kids. We need to have the Gallery's, Clark's, and Greenway's as a general rule with the occasional Moeaki sprinkled in.
Interesting post. I don't think very many people saw Ferentz as a good fit for Iowa back in 1998. As I recall a lot people thought he was an NFL guy who wouldn't be able to recruit and his style of play wouldn't work in college a 7 win season would be the best he could ever muster.
We have 0 young talent on the staff, thus no succession plan. Given that Hayden turned out, 5-6 D 1 coaches, it would seem logical that KF should have somebody in the wings. If McCaffrey were to bail 5-6 years down the road, I think it is safe to say we have 2-3 guys that could potentially garner consideration. If KF goes, who would be someone to consider? Carl Jackson?
Categorizing Lickliter as a "hot new coach" is misleading, IMO. He was a career assistant who spent most of his career at Butler, who got his shot as the HC at Butler, and did very well in his 6 seasons as a Butler head coach. A Midwest man with Midwest ties, I can see why he was expected to be a good fit at Iowa.

It just goes to show how difficult it is to find a coach that works. EVERY coaching change is made with the expectation that you are bringing in a good coach, and obviously most fail.
Better coaches exist, worse coaches exist, and wrong coaches for a program exist. Pick the right one.
Getting to the point where the staff is doing less with more...

KF holds the cards...there is nothing that can be done because of the long-term contract. Iowa certainly cannot afford to buy a contract like that out. The ONLY way KF leaves, regardless of how he is doing, is either going to the pros or retiring. Those are Iowa's options.
I'm hoping the KC Chiefs come thru and Kirk accepts. The handwriting is on the wall, so to speak, imo. This staff's best days are behind them.
I still think Ferentz wants to win the football game - more so than to have his own way.

If Iowa continues with conservative offense and playcalling , Iowa'd better get a good defense.
In the meantime, let the offense and playcalling be more aggressive.

If Ferentz can't adapt to changing team circumstances, he's, IMO, not that great a football coach.
Not in college or the pros.

IMO, the foundation of Ferentz's fan base isn't as strong as everyone thinks.
How much more will that foundation erode if Ferentz asks Parker to retire or at least take a lesser role with the team? IMO, Parker already has a permanent, lesser role with the team. IMO, originally deciding Micah Hyde should play safety is an indicator of this - what I mean is: someone other than Parker decided Hyde should be a safety.
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I'm hoping the KC Chiefs come thru and Kirk accepts. The handwriting is on the wall, so to speak, imo. This staff's best days are behind them.

Thats what fans like you said after the 06 and 07 seasons. Then KF led us to 28 wins,including three straight bowl wins(something no other Iowa team has ever done,with wins over Missouri,Ga Tech and South Carolina,three BCS conference,ranked, winning teams) in the 08, 09,and 2010 seasons.
Now, 5 games in,with a 3-2 record with two road losses to winning teams, the staffs best days are behind them? Pure crappola.

So,if Iowa rips off three wins in a row, is the program and coaching staff back on the upswing? And then,if they lose to an undefeated Michigan,are their best days behind them again? And then if they lead at the end of the 1st qtr of the MSU game,are they back on the upswing?

Do we decide the fate of the coaching staff on a qtr to qtr basis or possession by possession? Or maybe play to play? Simply ridiculous. Iowa is replacing the most starters in the league and about the most in BCS programs nation-wide,and they lose on the road as underdogs to Penn St and the program is doomed? Well,then OSU should just close down their program all together as they lost at HOME!

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