Clayborn's Return Equals Best DL in Nation?

It is definitely going to be salty. I agree with you that Binns and Ballard are both going to make the "leap" next year and be huge forces. Its a lot of fun to think about.
Who is the best is always open for discussion, but I will take a line of Binns, Ballard, Klug & Clayborn all day and twice on sunday. Those guys will wreak havoc given another year to get better.
With the big time flashes Ballard showed the last few games... he is also a serious NFL talent after next year. Binns also. Long arms, fast... omg, I can't wait until NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!
I don't see another DL in the nation, that could be any better. With the talent that is coming back, I think all the National Media Idiots who were putting down Iowa all year, will jump on the bandwagon next year.
Smart man that Adrian Clayborn is.

And why not return for what could be a run at the national championship and be a member of one of potentially Iowa's best teams ever?

I think all three players should return because the NFL can wait, while they continue to develop and mature and come closer to getting that college degree. All three should be more marketable with another year of college football under their belts.
It's the best Defensive Line in the Nation next year, and possibly the best Iowa has EVER had.

I don't know that I can go that far.

Give me the three best defensive lines you think Iowa has had in its 100 year history for a basis for discussion.
Off the top of my head I can't go back too far...but last year's line has to be considered. Clayborn, Ballard, Binns at the ends...King and Kroul in the middle. I was a big fan of Babineaux and Colin Cole and Hodges and all of the DTs from those couple of years but I'll take King and Kroul over any DT combo I've seen at Iowa. Clayborn, Ballard and Binns were young and didn't make quite the impact they did this year but I still love that DL. Especially against the run...last year's line was impressive. Don't forget folks...this year's team got after the passer but we got run on pretty bad by tOSU, Michigan and Wisconsin while Clay was still in the game.

I don't know what other schools look like...but a quick look at D Linemen from the Ferentz era tells me that Iowa has been among the elites as far as collegiate D Linemen over the last several years. My list in order...and I guarantee I'm missing a few:

1.) King
2.) Roth
3.) Clayborn
4.) Babineaux aka Sir Smokealot
5.) Kampman
6.) Cole
7.) Kroul
8.) Ryan Bain???

I have these in order of what I remember of their collegiate careers without letting their pro careers sway my opinion...but it does say something that #5 on my list is a Pro Bowler and was one of the best DEs in the NFL until the Packers decided to move him to LB.
I don't know that I can go that far.

Give me the three best defensive lines you think Iowa has had in its 100 year history for a basis for discussion.

Come on Jon, don't get all analytical. Clearly this will be the best DL in the history of the world :)
+1 to above....

Future NFL Hall-of-Famer Andre Tippett anchored a defense (playing DE and LB) that was one of the best ever at the school. He was on the DL with Mark Bortz, who was drafted by the Bears and switched to o-line, and Bradd Webb.

FYI- That team also had a pair of stoops brothers that have gone on to be darn good coaches.
That last one was before my time, but I truly think this group will finish as the best. They will play together for two seasons, Iowa actually has depth with this unit- Mike Daniels at DT played very well in limited appearances, and there are several young players who can play DE. I think the Roth, Babineaux, Luebke, and D. Robinson line would be the best of the Ferentz era until this group. The fact that this years' unit got so many sacks against 9 spread teams is amazing. Next season they will be better against the run. Binns, Ballard, and Klug will be tougher against the run imo. Clayborn is already a beast.
I agree with Ever as it stands now, at least of my lifetime...the 1981 defense was sickening good. Their rushing defense was a steel curtain in an era where most teams ran the ball 70% of the time.
I agree with Ever as it stands now, at least of my lifetime...the 1981 defense was sickening good. Their rushing defense was a steel curtain in an era where most teams ran the ball 70% of the time.

I was 5 years old at the time. Can't say I remember this team as I was mainly watching cartoons at that age. How bout stats comparison?

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